


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Priscilla 'Pris' Florelle Marcellus


21 / Twenty-One


Cisgender Female




November 11th


Scorpio, Dog




Homoromantic Polysexual | Dating Aureole




5'6 - 136 lbs | 36C Bra


Fulltime Hairdresser and Part-time Florist


Priscilla is a young, intelligent high school drop-out with a GED, an award for graduating from a hairdressing program, and a hairdressing license, trying to find her place by simply following her gut instincts. Head-strong and brave, as well as being a social butterfly, she spends her nightly off-times in clubs, and has become a normal at her local. There she gets to learn new faces and new names in an atmosphere she feels comfortable in, and from time to time reaches out to help girls in strenuous or awkward situations by standing up for them when they're afraid to do it themselves.Over time she's grown to be quite reputable in the place, which has spared her from the daily struggle of being consistently offered free drinks (which she would still happily take) and being hit on by guys she wouldn't waste her breath on. 
While she may be well known by employees and other regulars at the club, barely anybody there know anything more than her name, face, number and favorite drink (which is a pineapple margarita) Priscilla is very secretive, keeping most of everything to herself except when she feels as if she's built a decent wall of trust with the other person. 

  • She absolutely despises it when she's taken advantage of or humiliated, and if possible will do whatever's within her power to make things even. 
  • Doesn't know what to do with herself when she isn't working because there's so much she wants to acomplish. Often roams the streets, takes city buses to random locations tucks up with a book in her apartment, or just indulges in a little 'me time'.
  • Isn't a huge fan of social media/pop culture but does use a few social media apps. (Namely Instagram and Twitter)
  • Has had her fair share of one night stands but none of them have been at her home. She does carry condoms though for when the ocassion calls for it, and will simply go home on a guy that'll make up an excuse to not use one. Hasn't slept with many girls because she's scared of catching feelings.
  • An adorer of pumps, leather and ripped jeans as well as lace, sheer shirts, crop tops and flats when it comes to her attire, regardless of her clothing though she strongly prefers keeping her hair up when out in public.
  • Is happy but also unhappy with her life because she knows she can't keep going to clubs forever and wants to see other places in the world
  • Smokes cigarettes but only on ocassion/twice a month and she tries very hard not to make a habit of it
  • Isn't flustered very easily but can be swooned if smooth enough.
  • Bought herself lingerie but has never used it
  • Absolutely hates push-up bras with a passion
  • Has probably broken a guy's wrist before