


4 years, 11 months ago


Name Omen
Species Lythani
Age Adult
Orientation Unknown
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Scent Bad Omen
Relationship Single 
Occupation Unknown

Designer Akoniah







Omen is the polar opposite of his younger brother, Yoongi. A clear introvert, he doesn’t particularly enjoy beginning conversations – although nobody can say that he is bad at holding one. Also unlike Yoongi, Omen absolutely despises water, very likely due to the fact that he doesn’t actually know how to swim, so he believes he’ll drown if he comes anywhere near it. This sadly hasn’t changed despite Yoongi’s best attempts at persuasion or offers to teach him. Despite their differences, however, Omen cares about his brother more than anything in the world and, though they’re both adults, is incredibly overprotective of him, to the point that he would place himself in the face of harm – whether it be life-threatening or not entirely too significant – all to protect Yoongi. Omen would hate for his little brother to be in pain, and he is adamant about always looking after him.
Omen’s overprotectiveness does often come at a cost, however – especially to Yoongi. Omen doesn’t always approve of his brother’s carefree and flirtatious nature, and will often scare away anyone that shows even the slightest shred of romantic interest towards Yoongi, as he believes strongly that his brother deserves only the best, and as far as Omen was concerned, this included the world. Though their personalities may be conflicting, the brothers do share similarities. Both of them are incredibly curious, and, though Omen knows to expect the worst, his brother does not; this often leads to trouble from which Omen needs to rescue Yoongi (although, arguably, Omen’s stubbornness has previously had a similar effect). Omen is also different from his brother in that he takes things in stride and often accepts them at face value – if there isn’t anything more to a situation, he goes with it and doesn’t attempt to deny or place more meaning into it. Unlike Yoongi, Omen is an avid reader of anything supernatural, with a rare science book about natural disasters here or there – but their mutual love of reading is one binding factor in their relationship, and there is nothing they enjoy more than winding down together with a book, sometimes for hours on end.