


5 years, 1 month ago


Basic Info
Koon, Raccoona, Tailbiter
November 2
5 ft 9 in
Female (she/her)
Aussie/demon dog
24/7 rage
Blood Type
Vent sona
  • Ghosts
  • Fighting
  • Raves and parties
  • Screaming and crying to emo music
  • Physical contact
  • Being apologized to
  • Not being heard
  • Men
  • Kona has the power to see and communicate with ghosts, which she prefers over the living
  • She has severe anger issues and a hard time forming any kind of connection
  • Her tail is semi-sentient, it responds to stimulus much like a shark does; it bites
  • Kona has been known to party long and hard in order to try to hide her issues. This does not work
Self-destructive . Detatched . Flirty . Desperate

Kona suffers from BPD (and the subsequent depression and anxiety) combinded with a very traumatic past and demonic genetics. She has never had a very good setup to succeed, and the result is her overarching rage and anger at life. When she is left alone, she drops that facade entirely and tends to cry for hours. She hates doing this so much that she will take any excuse to not be alone. With her lack of ability to form personal connections most of the time, this has led to her being a chain-partier with a penchant for trying anything. When she's high or drunk, she can't talk to ghosts, but she has also found this to be an advantage since so many of the ghosts she regularly talks to are usually very concerned for her and she doesn't want to hear it.


Kona was one of the first ever OCs I purchased for something other than art, and I have never regretted that. I connected to her immediately and made her a sona, but it took me awhile to manage to figure out what kind of sona I needed her to be. Kona represents my darkest aspects in a very excessive form. Her physical self-destruction aludes to depression struggles I face, and while I do not have BPD I have a lot of anger built up that tends to lash out when I am stressed. Kona is a being made by anger for anger, and she takes it out on everyone around her. She is essentially a reminder to myself to keep my feelings in check and stay aware of them

Demon | Companion

Demon and Kona knew each other growing up, so Demon knows a lot about Kona nobody else does. This makes it so they have to at least get along, so they're fairly freindly still. Demon has gotten Kona out of a few scraps before, his intimidation game being a lot better than hers. She returns the favor by introducing him to people at parties they both frequent, and she once posed as a date for his sake. They aren't exactly friends, but neither of them have much so they stick with the little they have.

Tsuiji | Best Friend

Kona met Tsuiji one night after a very intense party, and a series of idiotic and foolish mistakes led to them each deciding to never speak to the other again. However, after Kona pulled Tsuiji out of a bad fight and finished it for him, the two became close friends. Both have demonic ancestery and strange features, and because of this they often get asked if they're related. Usually they will reply with a firm yes and immdetiately act as couple-y as possible to make everyone around them uncomfortable. They are not related, and they are also not interested in dating as neither is attracted to the opposite sex. Kona and Tsuiji don't lie when they say they are family though, as neither has anyone else to call that and they'd rather be each others' family anyway

Streak | Enemy

Streak and Kona have a long and complicated history, most of which is too graphic to write down. It is very safe to say that Kona would not hesitate to curb-stomp Streak if she got the chance now, but there was a time she was too scared to look at him. This is one of the only things she and Twila have in common, and one of the only things that keeps Twila from picking a fight every time Kona shows up (although another thing is the fact that she would likely lose). Streak's mental break impacted a lot of his relationships and all of his personality, but Kona managed to be in the worst place possible when it happened. A lot occured from the events after.