Valtear Adler



5 years, 20 days ago


Familiars: Sophie(cat)

Relationship: Dating Canivus
her views:
Canivus- My darling. He is a HUGE pervert but I love him. even if we have our issues from time to time I dont plan on leaving him anytime soon

Ivy- She is basically a step daughter to me. She hates taking her supplements so she can be a pain. but she is a sweet little girl who I like to spend time with whenever she comes out of hiding.

Pandora- My biological daughter. She is a little pyro trouble maker. She LOVES fire and anything warm so she can be a handful. She is also very loud and full of energy. She can be a handful. But she has her sweet side and I hope she will develop into a strong hyper girl cause i know she will. she has ADHD.

Rhea- She is my other Biological daughter. She is MUCH more docile then her sister Pandora. Though she is a daddy's girl and only really listens to him. Knowing her she will grow up to be almost identical to her dad. Except add hermit and social anxiety to the mix. Maybe anger issues. who knows.