Madalinde Faye Dieamound



5 years, 1 month ago



Madelinde Faye Dieamound

Gender: Female

Age: 21 years old


Species: Human 
Role: Knight/Mage
DOB: July 27
Occupation: Unknown
Sign: Leo
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Overly-Friendly, Slightly Clumsy, Energetic, and Clueless (Distracts Easily).
Orientation: Bi-curious (leans towards men)
Height: 5'2"
Pets: None
Family: Unknown
Friends: Group of Friends
Weapons: Long Bow, Cross Bow, Morning Star and Whip
Extra: Magic Spells; Detect Magic
Co-Owner: None


  • Having fun in the most serious times.
  • Tokidoki or Harajuku styles and secretly cyberpunk fashion.
  • Being part of adventures and tries to make situations a lot easier
  • Training in the rain. Helps her concentrate.


  • Being woken up in the morning (grouchy mood or delirious mood)
  • Hates it when her brain feels like its going to overload with information.
  • Anybody who is rude and tries to command her as if they are the boss. P.S, she will beat yo ass after 3 warnings.
  • Jalapeños... 



Write about your character here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla commodo sodales lectus, a sollicitudin ante venenatis non. Donec nec commodo urna, id condimentum nisi. Aliquam iaculis nulla ut maximus semper. Pellentesque aliquet viverra libero vitae sagittis. Mauris enim lorem, dapibus vitae tellus ac, porta finibus nulla.Aenean dignissim mi at elementum vestibulum. Maecenas mollis est massa, eu sagittis erat fringilla non. Curabitur finibus diam at mauris viverra, nec sollicitudin urna dignissim. Aliquam aliquet magna a velit consequat gravida. Morbi odio elit, pellentesque quis magna maximus, vehicula auctor nibh. Nullam vitae ante tellus. Vivamus tellus sapien, facilisis gravida pulvinar ac, dapibus eu nibh. Ut laoreet cursus magna a interdum. Aenean gravida, justo non ullamcorper eleifend, odio eros fringilla neque, ut maximus diam lectus at lectus. Duis nec nulla purus.

Quick Summary: Meeting Friends

Madelinde Faye Dieamound was on a journey to find the family heirloom (a ring).

Faye was able to find the signet ring in the most eerie room but now are asked by an ancient frog clan to help assist them in saving their partners from an unknown organization that kidnapped them. They will owe you a favor if you repay them, and are ever in the Demonskar area if you're able to complete the task. Mal questions your ethics of grave robbing and essentially you were stating it's not stealing if they stole it first. The Wand and the Ring are a rivaling cult group and you know there has been a feud between them and your family for eons. They frequently stole from each other and had different views of law & ethics.

You still have to report home and turn in the ring. You've been in this "Ramona Flowers"'s home and assisted Mal in restoring the ward on it which is familiar to you.

These frog folk seemed to be even more familiar with the traps than even you... In which is the beginning of Faye being part of a group that she didn't think would happen.. making friends.
