


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Beverly
Age 21
Gender Gal
Favorite Food Orange Chicken


In the cozy (somewhat aptly-named) town of Lamesville, things were going about as well as you'd expect. The weather was dreary, the nightlife was non-existent, and honestly, everything was pretty boring. Rumor has it that many years ago, the town was attacked by a Lovecraftian nightmare monster who stole Lamesville's creative energy and power. Anyone who moves into the small town gets cursed with this same lack of imagination, which is honestly probably not that bad all things considered. However, our plucky protagonist Beverly seemed to be impervious to the Lamesville curse. Hearing these old stories and myths got her curious, so Beverly packed her bags to go find this mysterious Imagination Thief and possibly punch him a couple of times.

Beverly indeed punched her way through the official Lamesville Bully Squadâ„¢ and several other machinations of an unknown nature before she arrived at the Imagination Thief's castle. The "Imagination Thief" revealed itself as the god of dreams Morpheus, which is a pretty big shocking twist. An epic battle ensued in which Morpheus took the form of some sorta werewolf man, an octopus, and some other weird things, but eventually, Beverly defeated the god (via punching him in the face several times).

Surprisingly, with Morpheus's defeat, Beverly also inherited his powers and abilities, allowing her to restore creativity and fun to Lamesville. Lamesville is now 15% more exciting to live in, but the nightlife is still non-existent. Several years later, Beverly (thanks to her new cool dream powers) travels throughout different universes in her spare time. Who knows where she'll end up?

"This zappy gun is pretty neat!"

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