Finn (VPRP)



7 years, 11 months ago


Name: Finnegan Vaughn O’Toole
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Finn, The Butcher (as an assassin), Red Death (as a supervillain)
Age: 27
Pronouns: he/him/his
Powers/Abilities: None. As Red Death, he uses various gadgets scavenged from his friends in Vantage's R&D department to fake having powers.
Alliance: Neutral evil
Occupation: Vantage Corp assassin/Supervillain
Appearance: He’s 5′11′’ and uses his height to his advantage when it comes to intimidating or overpowering people. Also he wears dapper clothes when he’s on assassin jobs because he likes to look professional, but dresses like garbage otherwise. T-shirts with rude slogans for days. He never wears a mask while doing Vantage work because generally the only people who know he’s an assassin are a) his employers or b) dead. As Red Death, he keeps most of his face and body covered to keep himself from being identified.
Also he's got a metal right arm that's a gun, so, you know.
Personality: Finn is capricious, and often gets into trouble with his bosses for being too flashy when taking out a mark, or messing around with them before he goes in for the kill. But personal style aside, he’s one of the most competent, efficient assassins on Vantage’s payroll, and has a reputation as someone who gets the job done. Outside of work, he’s one of the friendliest guys you could hope to meet - he’s one of those people who has never met a stranger, and strike up conversations with people at random on the train or in the grocery store. Finn has an unflinching sense of loyalty towards his circle of friends, and will literally kill for them, even if he does have a stubborn streak a mile wide that leads him into arguments more often than not. 
As Red Death, Finn's personality is completely different. He almost never speaks while in his Red Death costume, and isn't terribly flashy, preferring to work quickly and efficiently instead. He bears an enormous grudge against supers, and his victims are always heroes who he catches out and about on patrol. For now, he's working as a copycat/apprentice to the serial killing villain Goodknight, and sets up his crime scenes in similar ways, with the (unmasked) victim at the center of a carefully arranged tableau.
Additional Info:
- Lives comfortably in a two-story house just outside the Point with Dallas, two other housemates and a cat named Cat. Has his own workshop torture room in the basement for jobs he’s been instructed to take extra time on.
- He and Dallas used to be assassin partners before Dallas fucked off to work in R&D.
- A great cook.