Percival Abernathy



4 years, 11 months ago


→ "I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I advise staying here. It's dangerous out there, alone."

→ 42. December 20th. Sagittarius.

height/build: 6'4", broad-shouldered with a thick waist. Muscular as muscular can be. Softer belly.

eyes: pale grey.

hair: was black, graying and white now.

sexuality: bisexual.

strengths: best shot the Marines ever saw, a good sailor, physically strong, patient, gentle with his words. never raises his voice unless it absolutely calls for it.

weaknesses: his PTSD can set him off, and those triggers are unknown to those around him. he generally has no interest with going out of his way to interact with people in a friendly manner, besides one or two people in town. quiet guy, can be unnerving.

nicknames: major, percy. 


Percival grew up hunting with his uncle in the woods, having been taken in by him at around age 10 due to his mother passing away from an illness. He knows the land around the town like the back of his hand, having grown up there and spent many, many days in the woods and grove hunting and just getting away from the day to day stress that school was to him. Percival always enjoyed the learning part, but the bit where he felt displaced from all of his peers didn't really make him jump for joy. At some time in high school, he met with Levi's dad, and they became as thick as thieves, hunting together. 

Nearing the end of high school, Percival decided to enlist in the Marines, knowing that if he was good at anything, it was shooting and the hard work that came with the Marines. He often came back home, mostly to visit Levi's dad and a friend or two he made in high school. He didn't really have anywhere else to go, besides his home in the woods, so he'd spend time with Levi's parents, charmed with, first, Levi's older sister and then baby Levi. As he raised in the Marines ranks, he spent more and more time away, coming back haggard and withdrawn. (He always had a smile for little Levi.) During his deployment, Percival met someone that he calls 'Dominic', and assumably the two grew very, very close. The nature of the relationship was ultimately romantic but ended due to 'Dominic' being killed on the field with Percival present. There seem to be more details there, something heavier that occurred, but Percival won't say. He returned to their little town that year only to face the news of the death of his oldest friend, as well. 

Percival looks a lot older than he probably should, hair graying and eyes tired. He left the Marines just this year, returning to his home in the woods. Adjusting to civilian life has been hard, having to face familiar faces in town that he has known all his life- and a few new ones, as well. Percival has adopted six stray dogs and takes very serious care of them, loving them like family. He carries his grief like a shroud, keeping mostly to himself and accompanying Levi on a few hunts here and there. Percival will go into town a couple of times a week, but he mostly spends his time reading, practicing his shooting through hunting, and working out. All the company he needs is the company his dogs offer him, and Levi every now and then. 

fun  facts: 

→ Percival's dogs are a male chocolate lab named Cocoa, a female gray pit bull named Luna, a male siberian husky named Reign, a female bernese mountain dog named Jenna, a female longhaired pointer named Willow, and a female dobermann named Olive.

→ His preferred weapons for hunting are rifles and crossbows. 

→ He enjoys cooking, and trying new food. The way to his heart is through his stomach, probably. 

→ He has scarring on his left shoulder.

→ Can be a little bit of a flirt, on a very good and rare day.


→ don't forget his body hair plsss