


8 years, 4 months ago


Species Information

He name is Baby. She seems like a sweet girl, unfortunately, she had a sad childhood and suffers of PTSD. Her parents died when she was a baby. A young human couple then took her in, but she didn't feel that she belonged. She has a big imagination, and she usually has strange nightmares. The nightmares are gory and usually end with her dying in some awful way. She has a best 'friend', but he isn't 'real' according to the young couple. His name is Augustus, and he is actually a shadow demon. When she still lived with the young couple (which Augustus killed because he was jealous ;v;) she would tell them of Augustus and blamed him for mishaps around the house. As any parent does, they ignored her. Eventually Baby grew up to be a pretty young Auracorn, but Augustus stayed. One night, she saw a happy human couple cuddling in a window towards the street in the city (human city), and Augustus started to act up. He whispered to her, told her to go in there and "end 'em". Eventually he got to her, and she did what he asked. After the deed was done, she noticed how horrible the act was. She ran into the streets, only to wake up later to the noises of police sirens, and she's been running ever since, Augustus by her side, poisoning her thoughts and bothering her, just like before.