
5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Vikyra
Nicknames: Vic, Cap
-The people he is with don't tend to call him anything other then his first name, but he welcomes most nicknames as long as they're not nasty

Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Technoctem
Type: Anomaly, Vampire
- He loves the fact he's a vampire and likes to try and use it to scare his unruly crew, but this doesn't really work for him as they know that he doesn't actually want to hurt them

Age: 28
Job: Bounty Hunter
-He loves his job and he only takes on jobs that he likes the looks of, money doesn't really matter to him as his family is rich.

Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Taken
Special someone?: Unknown
-I'm actually yet to design him, though hopefully he will arrive soon
Family: Michael and Azrius
- He is a biological brother to Michael and Azrius' step-brother. He does get along with both siblings but doesn't actually tend to spend time with them as he's often off planet

 -Drop shaped charges on his tail
 -Extra Fluff
 -Multiple Eyes
Special Marking Placement: Collar bone (central)

Addictions: None
Theme Song: Monster by Dodie…

Clothing Style: He likes shiny and light coloured cloths, he goes for whites and creams and with lots of metal and light silver features and detailing using these metals. His style could be described as pirate or rich sailor. He likes form fitting cloths but tends to cover himself with looser outfits, however he does also like to just wear form fitting detailed but not overly body covering outfits in more private situations.

Personality: Vikyra first comes off as very rude and argumentative, he likes to be in control and have all of the power over people that are around him. He seems uncaring and rather abusive to the people around him that he claims to love. He may have a violent streak but the people he says he loves, he does actually love. He cares deeply about his crew and loves them all, feeling personally responsible for everyone on his crew which is why he comes off so rude especially to guests as he doesn't want to have any troubles of theirs on his conscious.

More Information:
-Vikyra doesn't have the largest crew on his ship but they are all like a family, each caring for and taking responsibility for each other.
-Before he takes jobs, even if it's one he is really passionate about, he will check with his crew first and they vote upon it.
-The crew have admitted that they would be willing to die for Vikyra as he would be willing to die for them.
-When they first found out he actually dyes his hair, he had been unable to touch it up as he'd been arrested by an alien authority but released due to false chargers, they all had a good laugh but happily went out to buy him more dye to fix it up.
-For his 25th birthday he dyed his hair bright pink