Carin Ewart



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Whittemore & Ewart


"Carin is the only child of Stafford and Sandra Whittemore, hard workers and the owners of a small handful of successful fields. The young Carin had a carefree life, spending time learning from her parents so she could inherit the fields, and sometimes catching eyes with a particular cute worker boy. Hope of a bright future was snatched from her like a daydream when there were consecutive bad harvests. The Ewart family, local investors, took the Whittemores in to help them stabilize, or so was their pitch initial. Over time the extension of the Ewart's "re-structuring" scheme reached Stafford's ears, and in an outburst he confronted the heads of the Ewart house about them. They openly admitted to Stafford that they were indeed after the fields from the start, but informed him that the only change to their plans he had initiated by his confrontation was that he would now not be joining his family in staying in the Ewart house.

The Ewarts flexed their position and eventually took full ownership of not only the Whittemore fields, but the Whittemores themselves. Stafford, along with all of the field workers, were put out of work and left in the streets with nothing. Kept on as maids, Carin and Sandra were spared poverty but not of the humiliation. Some time passed in this manner and Kenelm Ewart, heir to the Ewart house, took a keen liking to Carin. His love was not returned to him however as Carin wanted nothing to do with any of the Ewarts, but that did not matter to him. Kenelm took her hand in marriage hoping to win her by showing her what he could give to her. Carin's life had sunken past her threshold, despite this however she was steadfast in denying Kenelm's increasingly forceful advances during the haze of her miserable life. In the end it was her own mother, Sandra, who mercy-killed her with poison to end this suffering.

Now a spirit, Carin seeks to return each and every moment of her torment back to Kenelm."

From a 2017 contest to create an OC based on one of the flowers from a selection (I chose carnation flower). Haven't developed much past the initial story pitch I had.