
5 years, 1 month ago


  • Juno, Arin

  • Age 17
  • Gender Female
  • Race Winged Polar Bear
  • Role Traveling Healer
  • Alignment Lawful Neutral

"You reap what you sow"

White fur with dark markings, usually adorned with bright or earth-coloured clothing; Her dark patterns wax and wane with use of magic.

Juno travels the world. Sometimes at ease, sometimes at dire speeds. Rarely actually touching the ground, she gently hovers just above the dust. Landing only when she needs to stop, to rest or assist those who need healing help.

When flying, a mysterious force pulls her down, rendering her unable to fly over large bodies of water and must take boat rides, or other methods, across.

Attuned to healing, her magic heals but casts a creeping shadow over her newly gifted destructive powers..


DoB: 12 Oct. ♎︎
Origin: A port island city
Height: 3'2 / 5'2 on back legs
Build: Short & thin
Demeanor: Quirky, Thoughtful, Worried, Investigative
  • Quiet
  • Bright colours
  • Singing/Humming
  • Uncontrolled fires
  • Deep waters
  • Dust




Juno lived on a relatively peaceful island. Until it fell to a user of dark magic, causing everything to burn to ash and dust. Those didn't burn, rotted. Including herself. But by chance, a powerful Timelord of green and black sifted through the dust, found her and brought her back from ash. In return, Juno would help the hurt and search for the Timelord's enemy, the very same villain who ashened her home. Juno questioned, of all the others, why her? But seeing the ruin brought upon her world, she decided she didn't need to know.

Juno agreed.

Once a lively farming port city, she left home. Taking up the role of a nomadic healer, traveling the lands, in search of those affected by dark magic and any signs that would lead to finding Him.

- Prior to Leaving -

A magic student, she had moved to the fancier East of her home island to pursue higher goals. Planing to open a bakery, she'd then save enough to travel the world and possibly open up more shops. Maybe even explore the world together with friends! But plans have changed now.

- After Leaving -

Juno has been trying to find a copy of a spellbook she read years ago before the disaster. A very specific spell, if casted on an opening or doorway, could create a path that would act as a gateway to other worlds(until destroyed). Such a spell could help her find the Sorcerer who ruined her home. But so far, even after searching all over her old home has bore her no luck in finding it. Many Humans know it, but they've become so rare, asking one would as easy as .

However, it was much to her surprise finding the Western side of the island burned to ash as well. That side of the island bore one of the last few remaining Human villages in her world. Disheartened to see the disaster and realizing that her world would soon be 1 race short, she left the island quiet with despair.


Dark Sorcerer

[ Searching for them ]

She knows almost next to nothing about them, but knows that whatever their doing; its sinister. Currently searching for them, she hopes to prevent more catastrophies from happening. Despite not knowing what they truly look like, she knows that once shes found them, it won't be hard to recognise.

Blinding yellow is a hard colour to forget.

During the disaster... She doesnt know exactly what happened, but swears that something strange happened when the Sorcerer's fire raged, it felt like her wings were being melted and burnt by something dark and unknown.


Timelord Gwynn

[ Acquaintance/Friend. In debt to ]

Again, she doesn't know Gwynn very well, only that they revived her and asked for help in finding someone in return. Which turned out to be the Sorcerer who hurt her people. At the moment, she can only assume that Gwynn is finding the sorcerer for the same purpose as she is; to try and prevent more disasters and heal as much of the damage as possible. Maybe thats why she chose to revive her and not the others?


Western side of the Island

[ Original home. ]

Juno was born and raised here. She moved to the Eastern side several years ago, but it wasn't before she heard a particular stranger had arrived on the island. Having never met them beforehand, she's not familiar with them, but has heard stories from the locals there. A powerful magic user able to rot anything and heal any wound.

Aside from that, all she knew was his name and that he liked to write. Juno would've loved to get to know them better before the disaster.

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