Lovegrass Amore



4 years, 11 months ago


note: please dont draw lovegrass atm, they are spoiled rotten

Name: Lovegrass Amore
Theme: Tufted Lovegrass (Eragrostis pectinacea), Arborling. Masterlist.
Pronouns: They/them
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Gay
Age: Young Adult, around 20
Relationships: Married to Maeve. Yes, married.
Demeanor: Gremlin. curious to the point of ignoring danger signs. Will disobey rules if it's for fun. isn't antagonistic on purpose, just very energetic and hard to keep still. Has a heart of gold, though. Liable to at any point in time turn to you and say "You know I love you right?" with a grin on their face. Despite their chaos, loves everyone around them a whole, whole lot.
Hobby: Likes to collect grasses of all kinds, and clovers especially. will also steal grass from people. ("how do you steal grass?" i dont know but they THINK theyre stealing it, which makes them excited about it). they don't steal any clovers though- only collect their own. Their clovers are super important to them.

The grass bracelet on their wrist is from Maeve proposing...

on their head are two open panicled inflorescences:
