Leslie Gurish



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Leslie Gurish
Age: anywhere from 23-26
Pronouns: they/them
Species: human
Height: 5'3"

Leslie is an irritable, beat down, clinically depressed and highly cynical 20something who works at plant nursery (they just take out trash and clean up the place, they have no knack for plant care). They're reclusive and their disposition is really unpleasant to most. Has a gentler side but its under like 15 layers of obnoxious cynicism. Tender towards dogs and their two close friends. Theyre a necromancer which makes them frustrated as its a really useless ability to have, and their magic is always trying to kill them and escape their body and it took their right arm. However they did get 6 dogs out of it so its not all bad. 

Heidi- Leslies oldest and possibly closest friend, has known her since early middle school
Beau- best friend, their personalities mix shockingly well and leslie opens up more to beau than anyone else, and vice versa
Kristian- Annoying. annoying, clingy, and overly familiar
Sausage dogs- leslies 6 little resurrected doggies made out of various meats 

-Doesnt know their birthday, year, or month
-is a vegetarian
-if a food has an edible peel or rind, they will eat it
-knows how to play the flute
-their favorite animal is a rabbit
-deathly allergic to shellfish