Gray Goodwinn



8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Gray Goodwinn

Nickname/Alias: John Cena, Gary, Gary Grayson, etc.  They make up names on the spot if they need them. 

Age: 24

Pronouns: they/them

Powers/Abilities:  Gray can freeze things in time by touching them for anywhere from 3-10 minutes (the duration is random, Gray has no control over it).  This powers works on living creatures and inanimate objects.  If you get tagged, you essentially get pulled out of time and are essentially immune to all attacks and cannot be moved.  People who are touched are also unaware that they are frozen while they are frozen.  

Alliance: Greenback Gang. 

Occupation:  Works at the local diner, steals things, and is now a valuable member of the Greenback Gang. 

Personality:  Terrible, awful memer who commits a lot of theft.  Pretty skilled with sleight of hand, so mostly that means pick-pocketing or reverse pick-pocketing people.  Sometimes makes risky decisions (such as trying to meme the police station) in the name of fun.  

Is more confident in costume (any costume), and very aware that their weaker physique puts them in a bad spot as far as any physical confrontations go.  They would much rather run than fight.  They aren’t especially argumentative either.  

Additional Information: 

- Squeamish and gets faint at the sight of blood/gore. 

- Was homeless for a very long time.

- Is blind in one eye, covers up the scars with their hair.  Can be jumpy if you approach them on their blindside. 

- Commits crime in various costumes, has a lot of costumes.  Usually from movies or various public services.