Julian Ceniceros



8 years, 2 days ago


Julian works as an assassin for Vantage Corportation, and lives with/dates two of the scientists working there.  He has a very neutral outlook on most things, which means he can do illegal and morally wrong things without so much as batting an eye.  Wears a goat-skull mask when working to keep his identity something of a secret.  If not at work or home, he can be found down in the lab his partners work at. 

His power is a danger-sense, which serves him well as an assassin by keeping him aware of real threats.  Julian is mute, though no one knows if it's selective-muteness or if it's due to his injury (he still has a tongue, so) and mostly communicates through sign-language and texting. 

He will eat basically anything and tends to inhale his food.  Is fine to let people cling or drape over him, and has no qualms about pda.  Can be legitimately helpful when the mood strikes him.  His hobbies include reading historical fantasty books, collecting animal skulls and casual satanism.