
5 years, 30 days ago

Basic Info

Date Created

July 18th 2015


Bahman Khurshid
Pokemon Gijinka (Humanoid)
April 18th

ENFJ - The Teacher

Is Everybody Going Crazy? | Nothing But Thieves


Intelligent • Bashful • Stylish

Withdrawn • Calculative • Smooth Operator

Overly Cautious • Guileful • Holds Grudges

He and his twin brother, Tahmuras AKA Murry, have a problem with seeing eye to eye a lot of the time, but they're never found anywhere without the other. The one time they were, was when Bahmi had a seawater Scald to his face and lost most of the skin and a good deal of his vision which Murry never forgave himself over for not being there to protect him. Bahmi requires a lot of patience when learning of a new area and is tentative on flying.


  • People watching
  • Philosophy
  • Reading physical books / Listening to Audible
  • Conversations over coffee


  • Crowds, specifically noisy ones...
  • Arguments / Fighting
  • Rumors / Distrust
  • His poor eyesight...
"To step forward and pick up the pieces when no one else will, is my most sacred principle."


Fighting with his twin brother Tahmuras, a Thundurus, since the dawn of their birth; he has never known a day of tranquility where he couldn't plot a stable comeback on his brother. Murry was always the warrior-minded; objective, courageous and full of gusto whereas Bahmi was the tactician; likeminded, amiable, and calculative. While Bahmi tended to people's needs; living space and sustenance, Murry contended with people's wants; entertainment and luxury. Ah, the mortal coil brothers, as people would remark them to be, were always at each other's nerves; grating and scratching away at how long they could last being civil and polite before a violent fight broke out between them. As it were, they had equal footing with one another and neither ever won but the world around them was a mess that their parents had chided at them for and mopped up after them. Murry was the problem child, while Bahmi was less of one (but he wasn't a saint, as he used his ability with people's emotions and somewhat manipulated them onto his side), and their mother decided that they needed to be separated should anyone want this constant mess to end. In doing so, they noticed a huge difference as Murry had more of a gusto into physical application when not using it against his brother and Bahmi had a way with people that was unlike any other businessman in their family; charming and empathetic that touchtoned with unspoken fears, settling like sediment in a glass. As long as they were apart, no occurring natural disasters became apparent. In this, they each took care in their family's well being; Bahmi with the finances, and Murry in the entertainment department when catering to the family's status and reputation. Their little brother, Kaveh, often found comfort in their separate company and gleaned a lot of history from them of how they used to reprimand and disrespect each other. In the midst of Kaveh's curiosity if they were to meet again, they hardly recognized each other from how Bahmi had grown pale from spending too much time in the study, and Murry had become so muscular from taking up freestyle dance and hosting wild parties. Murray criticized Bahmi only after Bahmi remarked Murry's bedraggled appearance, and a fight was nearly escalated if Kaveh hadn't actively monitored them and became a middle ground for them. From then on, they were constantly reminded of each other and had synthesized a type of hatred for the unsaid things. Though their mother and little brother were the walls, they weren't too keen on breaking down the household for their peace of mind.

However, it wasn't just each other that the twins had opposed in their lifetime; plenty of people had been pissed off at them in the past for causing so much hell with little punishment, to a point where they had taken it up on themselves to dish out the necessary "gratitude" they had. It was a riot, against one of their businesses, where a few disgruntled workers escalated into a full-on strike that further escalated into a riot with some advocators screaming through a megaphone. Though none of the words were recorded, it was mostly slander. Murry was quick to hop on a fight, to defend their interest in the company, but it was a ploy for an ice-type to use Blizzard against him and nearly wipe out his energy in a dire situation. He was not the only one affected, as the rioters had been frosted over for some time which allowed Murry to escape. At the same time, Bahmi was attempting to calm the situation with a couple angered and panicking chairmen over a riot erupting in their vicinity, while aiming for peace of the workers to be handled gently. He was attacked by a Vaporeon with Hydro Pump, and in his shock he wasn't sure how to respond but to run (which, was the better idea anyway) as the once-angered chairmen, a Pikachu, enraged in using Electro Ball to send the assassin spiraling into the next wall. It got ugly. Real fast. To say the least. Bahmi had lost his eyesight temporarily, and though a family doctor was able to restore it, his sight wasn't the same again as was Murry's skin that had frozen temporarily (the pigmentation darkened and thickened in adaption). It was a shock to the family, and though they wanted to hammer the perpetrators with terrorism and send them to jail, they had to care for the twins that had been traumatized from the event. Bahmi became a recluse, and Murry had shaken it off consciously but suffered a deeper trauma to his mental demons. He wanted to be by Bahmi's side, to support and console him, but every time that he saw how Bahmi was so crippled; rage filled him at the Vaporeon that was sent to jail for attempted murder. Murry learned the grace of loyalty, as his twin and him were able to reconcile with each other as the family had been on the media as victims of a planned terrorist attack. Their popularity skyrocketed, in the worst way, and Murry wasn't one to sit for the lies and slander thrown against the family's name on the news. The publicity had put their family in the tank for money and ability to regrow, and Bahmi had to hold Murry back from hissing and spitting at news reporters, stating that they would only use his example for more bashing. Bahmi thus took it upon himself to rekindle what they had lost, as a key victim to the attack; showing his strength and integrity would drive away the new hounds after they had their share of his words. It took awhile to patch up the family after such events, and their mother had adopted the Eevee son of the Vaporeon that had attacked Bahmi as a means of forgiveness, with Bahmi supporting the decision and Murry opposing it. Murry slipped into the bad boy mode, which his parents did not approve of, and were quick to scold him for his actions that they knew of (which was roughly half). Parisa, whom had been out of the household for years with her husband touring the world, had rushed to come back when hearing of the news and gave all her support to her family without question. She took on cooking and cleaning for her younger siblings, somehow becoming the common ground that mothered them in a way and kept the situation calm when Jalil came to front with Murry present. Parisa became a focal point for the boys, and an idol to Jalil. Murry slowly learned how to repent and opened up, not just to Jalil but everyone else as well. Parisa taught him mildly about cooking, which sparked his interest in it, and spent time pursuing it to find a tranquility he had not known before even if only arms length from him. He still was the bad boy in some regards, and a problem child for his family's reputation, resulting in his mother's decision to send him away for a time to clean his act up... or keep him away for the time being so that they can build up to the point where they would be unaffected by his misbehavior. 

Shortly after Murry was sent away to school, Bahmi was able to reacquaint himself with his family and himself now that he had some space to think and not be judged... but judgement came when he came out to his parents as gay and immediately saw the polarizing reactions; his mom of knowing laughter and his father of immediate repulsion. They chose to keep it between him and them, and let him go off on a vacation from the family business to regain his center and sense of self. He chose to go wherever Murry was, watching from the sidelines of Murry's misadventures and finding more peace in observing Murry grow to be either loved or hated.


Height / Weight6'0" / 176lbs
Body StyleSemi-Athletic
SkinWarm Olive
EyesGreen, catlike
HairLight sage green with rich purple, wispy with a lot of flyaways
Notable Feature(s)
Tapering, sage-green wings with purple thorns and four long feathers that tend to curl like fingers. A long tapering tail that goes from downy, swirly feathers to a lizard-like purple curl with osteoderms shaped like Mayan deco pieces. Two thorn-like horns sit atop his forehead and curl upward then back and reflect more of a deep emerald green. Tiger-like, sage-green ears with swirls of rich purple sit more to the top of his head than to the side of his skull. His face has a lot of scarring from a Scald blast to his face and skin grafts to replicate what used to be there, albeit with freckles being revealed and rich purple swirls curling around the square of his jaw. 

Fashion SenseClean, business casual, hipster, athleisure

Pokemon Data

SpeciesTornadus (Therian)


Dark Pulse



6d5b4bc1b816580eb9d247edf1df59d6.jpgMother Khurshid

Mom - Good


Father Khurshid

Dad - Strained


Tahmuras Khurshid

Twin Brother - Brotherly Love... and RIVALRY.


Parisa Khurshid

Older Sister - Very Good

f91decc6831f48c3b3db4b42b4abfe1a.pngKaveh Khurshid

Younger Brother - Good


Jalil Narges

Adoptive Younger Brother - Very Good





