


7 years, 11 months ago


TLDR: Butthole character

CORE VALUES: laughing really hard at super dumb jokes eg one containing the word penis


proud to announce that he played seaman on the dreamcast


knows every language ever so that he can make terrible mistakes in them with great gusto and zero embarrassment. he is x anuses old etc

Admires xxxballfondlerxxx for their tenacity.

these say more about him than i ever possibly could.

design notes

  • fuck it. my word is god and god says that he is in various states of goat ass at any given time. you may draw him with full goat ass. you may draw him with none goat ass. 5% goat. 5% ass. you are free. i am free. we all are when it comes to koza's goat ass

  • proportions in the ref pic are pretty wonky but at least i conveyed the part with most wonk: this young man has goat legs
  • in most pics ive drawn of him with goat legs he just has no shoes or even pants on below his knees (i am alluding to shorts), °˖✧ BUT,✧˖° i also headcanon that he likes to wear socks with cool patterns so go nuts with that idea
  • the sneakers on his hooves were just a last minute addition for a sensible chuckle but you know what? he would :)
  • fashion sense ranges from comfy/goofy (like graphic t shirts for example) to whatever i think he would look good in. his look is to be experimented with, if youd like :) (his aesthetic has taken a slant towards the cozy and sorta artsy lately)
  • he likes cargo shorts
  • i finally figured out his ass pants. haha viewtiful joe go brrrr
  • lemons on his shoes
  • he has long (or at least prominent, im unsure) lower eyelashes and his hair colour is on the cusp between gray and gray-blonde draw this if you like but i rarely do nowadays and am just vibing.  

personality notes

  • his personality is basically the same as katsudon's, whose personality i havent currently elaborated much on either but they are both kinda cheeky. but actually koza is very cheeky. fuckin king cheeks.
  • he also is a bit of a weeb with a pervy slant, catch him enjoymenting ero games
  • nearly a joke character but im not sure if thats just because he never takes himself seriously

other notes

yeah his name is just goat in czech

i was very creative at names when he came into existance


theres also a running joke in which he has like an entire pocket dimension in his ass, think perkins tent. a handy storage unit. this is absolutely true

don't google image search for goatse if you don't know what it is (especially if you're someone under 18, save yourself the scarring, you deserve to know peace) but thats absolutely the joke here

i have a subeta gallery that belongs to him :3 its a mishmash of furniture and plushies he'd have lying around, hilariously weird items that hed totally love, first aid stuff cuz why would you have a magical butt without also having medicine in it

and also just stuff that i personally find cute xD you can draw him with anything in there if you wanna (although you should probably mention the items are from subeta wherever you post it)

oh yeah and google translate says his name means boob as well now which is fine, it suits him well

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old  dedscriptioibn. 

Koza is my silly goose OC :] Often he jokes about having an entire civilization in his ass. This, of course is not true, but there definitely is lodging. It's somewhat of a Perkins' tent in there. He's friends with a lot of people, and is sometimes ignorant to peoples boundaries or limits. He likes to whinge, but he loves to laugh. Often his complaints will dissipate if he's distracted by something more interesting. Most details about his occupation and location are undisclosed. He's quite mysteriously intelligent, despite having a dirt-scrapingly low level of professionalism.