


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Vivienne
Called Viv
Age Adult
Gender Female
Race Grimm
Role Club Owner
Zodiac Scepter

Vivienne slides into a leadership role naturally, with her charming confidence and ability to take control of any situation. She is patient with others, mostly because she views most the people she encounters as children - let them tire themselves out and have their fun, but at the end of the day she is in charge. Vivienne is generous with her downtown club and often waives cover charges and gives away free drinks. She is always looking for new entertainment to perform at her club and to make connections with other owners. If you're looking for unqiue drinks, fresh entertainers and a vibrant atmosphere, look no further than Juice.


  • Music
  • Control
  • Ambition


  • Disobedience
  • Low Standards
  • Constraints


Vivienne was one of many grimms awoken from the great cache under Asphodel Academy. The caregivers at the school gave her all of the attention and love she could ask for, but she didn't ask for much. Vivienne's natural strength helped her establish herself from a young age, allowing her to instead protect those that were weaker. Whether it came from an internal sense of justice or a simple hatred for jerks, Vivienne would always defend the other cache children from bullies. No one wanted to pick fights with the lovable and patient grimm - it felt like fighting against the teachers and their kind but patronising smiles. Of course, if anyone was immune to her swagger, she could come out on top of a fight if necessary. By applying herself, Vivienne swept through school, excelling mostly in debate classes and, to some of her teachers' surprise, chemistry. Vivienne's patience and confidence was a perfect combination for experiments, although it was slightly troubling that she never gave any control to group memebrs or even the teachers. When she graduated from the Academy, there was a glint in Vivienne's eyes; she beleived she was destined for greatness, and she wouldn't stop until she got it.

Work Hard, Play Hard

Vivienne attended Asterion straight out of school, loving chemistry more than any of her other classes. She picked up a part-time job bartending as she studied, and through hard work and only a handful of hours of sleep a night, she saved enough to rent a trendy studio apartment in Asphodel. Seeing as it was just a way to make money, Vivienne was surprised by how much she enjoyed bartending. The mixing of the ingredients to invent new drinks was inspiring, but engaging with dozens of new people a night was even better. Within a year she'd shifted the focus of her studies and knew what she would do: open her own club, serving drinks she invented to people she'd dance with every night. Her dream seemed ambitious to her peers, but nothing seemed out of reach to the ambitious grimm. Putting in countless hard hours and charming conversations with her professors, Vivienne graduated in the top of her class from Asterion. Without wasting a day she enrolled in college, wanting to gain a firm grasp on building and running a business. She'd become invaluable at the bar she worked at - it had become more popular than it had ever been thanks to her unique concoctions.


Finding the classes at community college somewhat easier, Vivienne had more spare time during her business studies to explore the club scene. Any night she could spare from work she'd be at a different bar or club, making connections and studying her future competition. By the time she graduated college, Vivienne was practically bursting from ideas and excitement - her long, patient hours of work and study were finally going to pay off and help realise her dream. She had saved an incredible amount from bartending (and tips), but was also offered dozens of 'sponsors' from other clubs if she promised to make them signature drinks and promote their offers. Within a month, Vivienne had opened her club - Juice. It is a vibrant club with several differently themed rooms, hoping to cater to everybody. Vivienne tends the bar herself, selling her drink of the month and happily chatting with customers. Juice has been open for almost a year now, and it has already become one of the most popular clubs in the area, particularly for upbeat club-goers. With its growing popularity, Vivienne was forced to leave the bartending for employees so she could do more 'boss work', but she can still be found on the main dancefloor most nights.



Amber [ Friend ]

Vivenne occasionally saw Amber getting bullied for her mutations, and as a freshling she always stood up against bullies. She learned quickly that the hybrid didn't really need her help, and the two never formed a relationship in school. Years later, however, Vivienne singled out Amber in the crowd at Juice, feeling somewhat nostalgic for her childhood. The two have since became friends; Amber is an excellent source of information for the darker side of Asphodel. The two have something of an agreement, where Vivienne will direct people to Amber's fight club while the hallowed sends her patrons to Juice.


Viniq [ Familiar ]

Vivienne attended most events hosted by her community college, always wanting to make connections where possible. One such event was a familiar adoption day and learning how the friendly companions could boost productivity and creativity. Vivienne wasn't convinced by all that, but she was enchanted by Viniq the minute she saw him. The fennekit had an aura of quiet power - exactly what she thought a blackhole would feel like. Vivienne adopted him as quickly as she could and has never regretted her decision. While Viniq can be fleeting, he's surprisingly obedient for a fennekit, to the point where Vivienne was able to take him to classes and even occasionally to work. With Juice open, Viniq can often be found lazing on the bar or skipping around feet on the dancefloor.

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