Simmer Hayden



5 years, 24 days ago


Name: Simmer Haydin
long tailed tabby
october 4th
Relationship status:
taken ( Illusion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

 Ability occupation Council member ( Psychic)                                                                                                                                                                           

Gender: Female 

likes : Cardinals, Sudoku and crosswords, Crime novels, private time,  mushroom and leek lasagne, green knitted sweaters, painted works, work.

Dislikes: meddling around at work, Food not eaten, being distracted by Parker, unorganized files, not doing well, crowds, 

Personality: Simmer is a standing upright councilwoman and the youngest of all the members, chosen for her rare ability to memorize information chapters at a time in detail from the chapter to the font. Due to this though, she has always adjusted herself to work and not mingled well with those her own age. She always does the best she can and is the quietest of the troop. She ensures that all her work is done and loves keeping it simplistic. Until party player Illusion came along in her life she didn't understand the world as she had read about in comparison. 


Illusion: Simmer didn't like Illusion at first, due to his flirtatious attitude and his obnoxious instinct to come onto her. Unfortunately, Illusion appeared more frequently after their first meeting becoming a substitute for a council member of Sandonia for the time being. Despite the frustration simmer dealt with him on a constant level she eventually started to see a side to him that wasn't so overwhelming, She soon began to enjoy his outgoing self and ability to be social with others something she felt she lacked.

Solar: Simmer felt concerned about her impression on solar the first time since she accidentally threw a cake in her face. She eventually found Solar a confidante she could tell her feelings and thoughts too, that was in her age. She admires her confidence and go-getter attitude in the face of trouble and tries to do better as a person as a result of this

Nadia: She shares a connection with Nadia being one of the only three Females on the council, she learns under her mentorship and obediently reflects under her serious attitude.

Governor Platt:  The head of the government of Voyant, He sees a high rising potential in Simmer and stood for his choice to vote her a member to the council, encouraging the other citizens of Voyant to do the same. Simmer has always admired him for his mannerisms and leadership. She learns to control how she is socially around people with his help.