


5 years, 1 month ago



freelance • informer • Loving

five feet ten inches

 "No one died.....well from what i've heard...."

Annora is a mobian that lived mainly on the streets even through school, none of the teachers really caring. She had many friends during her early years, but uses a mask and skills she learned through the years to still from villages and towns close by, when around sixteen years old she was caught. The other mobian attacked her yanking her dark colored bunny mask off and damaging her eyes while ripping up her ears. SInce then she wears a fox mask scared of what people would think, while only letting her girlfriend see her face. It doesn't mean she stopped being a thief and using a different mask and outfits...




She is strong willed, but deep down scared people will realize what she does and judge her just on that. She really can’t get a job anywhere else since she needs recommendations which she doesn't have. She is protective of her girlfriend, Buttercup. As well she would rather get caught then get anyone else in trouble.

Annora's story

Annora was abandoned at the age of six, her father moving away with her sibling, without her.a She was born with no tail, and was picked up by the local hospital when she was found extremely ill where she was living in an alleyway. The doctors believing that she had lost her tail during an accident gave her a prosthetic that she could control, which looked like a stiff ribbon until she would decide what type she would want or tell them what her original one looked like.

She ends up starting her thievery at the age of eight, taking off her prosthetic tail and putting on a black bunny mask. She stole from different villages and towns near the one she lived in for years. All the money she got was used for school, and to be able to go out with her friends.

During a burglary she was doing freshman year of high school a traveler found her and attacked her. He was trying to get the mask off to see who she was when he accidentally claws her left eye badly, only to continue as he tries subduing her to look at the injury he made on her. She is able to get away covering her face while leaving the bunny mask behind.

She meets the same stranger later when he was investigating, she had already started to wear her white fox mask a week ago right after the attack. Her friend Neo gots onto the stranger, informing him that Annora had an accident. Liking Neo’s attitude, the stranger offers Neo the chance to train as a Hero. The feline accepts the offer ecstatic at the chance to help his community.

Years later Annora is dating Neo’s sister, Buttercup, when she is offered to move in. She takes the offer to be with her girlfriend more, but was nervous about Neo since he just finished training to protect the town from the stranger, who finally leaves afterward. This allows Annora the chance to start stealing again with a similar mask, but she fears facing her friend on the other side. In the end Annora decides to take the risk. she needs to bring in money to feel useful even if that means going against her friend.


  • TOS of creator: Keep one week before resalling.
  • She is worth 50 dollars.
  • She is scared of her scars.
  • She have extreme strentgh, and durability.
  • SHe does noy destorying towns all the time, She do have a social life.



Butercup  [ Girl Freind ]

The two started their relationship in high school and it lasted until Butercup asked Annora to move in with her. She did admit to Butercupn how she gets moeny by being a thief, and butercup loves her dispite it. Butercup loves laying out in the sun with Annora and no judging her what she does.


Neo  [ Best Friend ]

Neo is Annora's best friend since childhood. Although she is nervous around him since he became the sole protector of the town, since she is the masked thief that attacks close by towns and villages that are close to bying the land around the forest Neo's family owns.

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