


5 years, 1 month ago


๐™€๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™˜๐™–๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ข๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™™๐™š๐™ก 1-"๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™Ÿ๐™ค๐™ฎ"

  • Name Eroticautomaton Model 1-"Lovejoy"
  • Age 3 - Appears ~18-20
  • Gender Genderfluid (Modifiable, AMAB)
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"Does having a consciousness mean you're human?"


tl;dr - x confrontational||antisocial||impatient||insecure||stubborn

o - interested||reliable||loyal||conscientious||wholehearted

Emil's personality isn't something even they're sure about. Being an android, they are still learning the possibilities of emotions and reactions. Currently, a rather aggressive facade is most apparent, yet it is powered by fear and distrust towards living creatures they have learned to feel from their past interactions. But although they seem to have negative traits in the foreground, Emil is kind to those they care about, wholehearted when it comes to getting something done and always ready to learn.



  • Ethnicity AI - Fesian
  • Residence SOMI-4
  • Job Criminal
  • Sexuality Demisexual
  • โ— Instead of Yes and No, Emil says Positive and Negative
  • โ— Their body is modifiable to be either male or female, the original build was the one of a feminine male.
  • โ— Their secret wish is to see the sea on earth.
  • โ— Music is calming to them.
  • โ— Sometimes they overheat, or have a breakdown, and start crying.
  • โ— They learned how to handle a gun on the street, specifically to protect Calius.
  • Music
  • Calius
  • Learning absolutely anything
  • Raisins
  • Fashion
  • Cooking
  • society
  • Living beings
  • Eggs
  • Being touched without permission
  • Eyecontact
  • Fighting


In their early years, Eroticautomaton Model 1-โ€žLovejoyโ€œ was stationed in a brothel in Turo, a Major Station in the Border Expanse, serving for 2 years as one of the available bots for pleasure. During the time of work, a hacker working for the DSRAIO, one of the three organisations known for the secret coding of Artificial Intelligences so lifelike they gain their own consciousness and free will became a regular to E.M.1-L, deciding to play around with its built and coding. Demitrius, the hacker, reprogrammed the bot, naming it โ€žEmilโ€œ, for his brother Calius, a psychologist interested in the โ€˜mindโ€™ of the well known AI. Demitrius continued sexual relationship with Emil while Calius checked up on the machine from time to time, letting it speak its mind and watched the outcome of adding a consciousness into a machine working in such an environment. The brothers had their fun, one with the robot the other with understanding a mechanism better, yet over time, Emil themselves, grew tired of the work they were forced to go through with the added free will as no one except the siblings did know the intelligence existed, no one treated Emil like one. At first, Calius didnโ€™t want to get involved into the situation with this Automaton only checking up on them, he began to feel sympathy for the machine after listening to its complaints and watch it fall apart mentally slowly, while Demitrius gradually developed some sort of romantic feelings for the creature, showing rough handling, sometimes even aggression. One day, Demitrius witnessed that Emil did indeed overwork themselves, managing to strangle one of their customers after attempted violence; the decision of Demitrius to take the bot away, away to his and Caliusโ€™ home. Originally, the psychologist was against taking Emil in, but Demi insisted on proving Calius wrong, that it wasnโ€™t just a machine, that Emil wasnโ€™t a murderer and that he was able to care for the robot. Although Demitrius was begging, Calius remembered the sessions of Emil opening up and that what the Automaton explained sounded like Demitrius not being able to care for them, rather taking advantage of someone who just began understanding emotions. In one of Demitrius' fits of rage the argument culminated in Calius being attacked with by his brother, cutting his chest and arm. Before Demi's tantrum, to keep things as they were, could turn into murder, Calius was able to lock him in a closet by sheer luck. While Demitrius was locked away, Emil got involved in the situation with both brothers seeming desperate, Calius begging them to leave with him to safety, Demi yelling from the closet that Calius was lying.

Emil chose to follow the person they were sure they meant no harm. Calius.

Both fled from Toru to Somi-4 the same moment despite the injuries Cal wore, giving up some of his clothes for Emil to not be noticed on the passage to the Major Colony. Life wasnโ€™t easy for the two of them. Calius finding two low-paying jobs to keep himself and his friend afloat while Emil slowly learned a lot of the Fesian ways, what the emotions meant and how to keep themselves up as well. After a long time of babysitting Emil, the psychologist ended up permitting the machine to get out of the place they stayed at, experience life by themselves too. Although Cal taught his robotic friend a lot of the Fes ways, the young Automaton got into a lot of troubles, fights, thievery and light damage to the systems, now almost posing like an angsty teenager bearing a hatered towards all living except for two. The two brothers, even if they split ways.


Calius Calius tried initially to not feel for Emil, but his sympathy grew. He feels responsible for Emil, and thus treats them like a person and doesn't want them to meet harm. In the beginnning, Calius was more closed off to Emil, but gradually opened up, seeing Emil as a mixture of child, sibling and friend. Emil feels a deep bond towards Calius, it's unknown whether it's platonic or romantic, but what they're ready to do for that person, is going up to self destruction. They feel respect and shelter near Calius, one of the people Emil is affectionate with. They see Calius as a sort of older brother and best friend.

Demitrius Demi had a more sexually active lifestyle and was the first to find Emil in the brothel. He took a liking to them and kick started the implementation of Emil's programming. He treated them affectionately, but somewhat roughly. He was never horrible, he just tried to manipulate them to believing the way he does things is right. Demi did try and forge a romantic relationship along. He was trying, perhaps subconsciously, to make Emil into his perfect partner. But he would sometimes get angry if they deviated from what he wanted, which only occasionaly resulted in violence. He would always apologise, but try persuade Emil to change to what he wanted wants. The feelings were onesided as Emil learned fear from him, then fleeing with Calius. Yet even if it ended up in fleeing, Emil still misses him.

Whom halp