


5 years, 2 days ago


if you don't draw her with her hair tuft I'm suing you


Name: Slate Basepaw
    Prefix Meaning: 
For the slate-like coloring of her pelt, her siblings are all named after rocks/gems
    Previous Names: 
Slate, Slate Mantlepaw

Gender: Female
    Biological Sex: 

Age: 23 moons
Age when Joining: 
0 moons

Clan: Horizionclan
Rank: Basepaw

Feats Left: ?/3 


Build: Average build, slightly larger paws

Fur Description: Very curly but somehow well-kept

Scars/Disabilities: N/A

Special Features: Spikeball tail

Scent: A slight hint of flowers


+ Headstrong : Due to her knack for organizing things, she remembers things easier than others
+ Intelligent : Remembers things easily and is able to apply the things she remembers into situations
+ Protective : Doesn't show it often, but if you try to hurt anyone, physically or mentally, she'll step in and defend the cat being attacked
Nᴇᴜᴛʀᴀʟ Tʀᴀɪᴛs:

=  Ambitious : Will try to show she's the most successful cat
=  Perfectionist : Will spend hours organizing things until it's all perfect
=  Reserved : Does not often show her anger or happiness to others
Nᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ Tʀᴀɪᴛs:

-  Emotionally Secluded : Has a difficult time showing her emotions (eg. She'll sometimes seem angry when she's sad)
-  Short-tempered : Can and will cuss you out if you make her mad
-  Impatient : Does not like waiting

How is your cat perceived by others?
Slate can be seen as cold and often comes off a little strong. She doesn't intend to scare people away but it seems not everyone likes being around her for her ability to easily snap at someone. The fact that her emotions are hard to tell apart can make some cats not want to risk approaching her when she seems happy but find out she's actually about to "kill" someone if they come close to her. She remembers almost everything, if you wronged her once, she'll never forget it and will not trust you as easily.


Orientation: Bisexual


          ° Symmetrical pelt

          ° Kind

          ° Perceptive 

Experience: None

Status: Single, needs some coaxing to date

Looking For: Long term, hesitant on flings.


Father - Pebble Crestpaw > Grey tabby tom with green eyes (Deceased)

Mother - Camas > Grey tabby she-cat with a spikeball tail (Deceased)

Siblings - 

Sandstone Basepaw > Sand colored tom with grey and white splotchings

Diorite > Black and grey tabby she-cat with a spiked tail (???)

Jasper Mantlepaw > White tom with orange tabby splotches

Aquamarine > Blue-grey she-cat with a spiked tail (Deceased)

Obsidian > Grey and black tabby she-cat with a spiked tail

Offspring -

    Brief History

Before Birth

A fling between two cats, one a ruthless rogue named Camas, and one a grieving clan cat named Pebble spurred and resulted with kits.


Slate was born to Pebble and Camas as well as her 5 other siblings, Sandstone, Diorite, Jasper, Aquamarine, and Obsidian. She does not recall much of her siblings Sandstone and Jasper, as they were separated at a young age, though she feels as though part of her life is missing and she wants to find out why. She wonders if one day she'll find that missing part of her life.


Slate ran away from home one day, not knowing her mother would die shortly after. Slate didn't really know why she had run, but she had found that it was getting too uncomfortable around her mother and she believed she was ready to live on her own. However, she had stumbled into the clans and was found by a she-cat named Lamb Horizionkit. Lamb brought her to her clan's camp where she eventually met her siblings Jasper and Sandstone and was made a Mantlepaw

Near the end of her Mantleship she took her first, and final, feat. During this feat, her brother Sandstone had given her a rabbit because he didn't want her to embarrass him. but this just made Slate angry, not wanting to accept handouts, even if it was her own brother. She tried her hardest to prove her brother wrong and to succeed over him, but she ended up only having one prey by the end of the feat.


Slate was made a Basepaw after completing her feat (more to come).

    Roleplay Information

Notes | No

Comments No

Discord | Yes

Skype | No

Rating | 13+

Timezone | Central Standard Time