


5 years, 28 days ago


💰“Wolfgang” 365-K💰

Gruff and aloof, Wolfgang quietly moves about making plunders with his mind of the money and the money in his mind. A vigilante to say at least, he’s most known to make greedy plane robberies and disappear in the air with the jobs done. When he’s not doing that, he’s robbing small Toon shops and selling their items for a higher bid. Wolfgang steals bluntly, sharply, and punctually, leaving no trace of his presence in the places he’s stealing. His silent and invisible character makes him one of the most admired thieves in the CashbotHQ; as well as fearless for taking on the riskiest job.

Though he has a silent and stoic manner about himself, Wolfgang is extremely power hungry. With a mighty need to make a fortune for himself and ride to the top, he doesn’t let any stop him from achieving his goal to get a name for himself. As he won't stop at anything, to reach to the top. He’ll gladly sell his own boss, the CFO, for a higher bid if he could. If anything, his quiet manner sets him off to some Cogs as someone who's nonchalant and doesn't care. In reality, Wolfgang is anything but; he's just great at masking his inner lust for power, in terms of abstract values and his actual face mask.

Cold and calculative, he moves about Cashbot HQ, with barely no need to converse with fellow cogs about finances and the need of inflation. He's set on his own goal, with no need for no one to assist or help him. One may say it's quite reassuring to know he doesn't have much of a temper like all other Robber Barons. However, this shouldn't be taken for granted, as you should never cross a Baron such a Wolfgang by terms of the things and beings he values deeply. There had been rumors he had a “partner” that was dear to him, but a terrible thing occurred that caused a split between the two. It's something Wolfgang seems to not have much memory of, surprisingly. But he does have hazy thoughts about this partner, and he wished that he could clearly remember the details, as he feels like it must have been important. He also dreams of leaving Cashbot HQ and being his own boss in his own terms, but only time will tell.


Name: Wolfie, Wolf, The W.G.
Gender: Male (Sexless)      
Zodiac: Capricorn
Species: Cashbot
Home: Cashbot HQ
Robber, Thief

"Robbers don't give and take. We take, and take, and take, until nothing is left to be taken. That way no asset is left behind."


  • Plundering airplanes
  • Penthouses
  • Materialistic objects


  • Capital gains tax
  • Chopsticks
  • Loud noises


⚙Cog Facts⚙

  • May or may not be Brazilian-coded; has been seen to sometimes utter Portuguese
  • He seems like a CFO, but in theory rather than in actual terms.
  • Is prone to zone out and be in a daze with his mind wandering at times




  • Stealthy
  • Patient 
  • Ruthless
  • Calculative
  • Sly


  • Selfish 
  • Greedy
  • Materialistic
  • Blunt 
  • Unforgiving




When meeting Poppy, Wolfgang was rather perplexed at her seemingly careless and chill manner. Not that because he believed her to be loud and boisterous like most Toons, but she reminded him of his self. Of course, his work ethic differs from her, as since she is not one to shy away from naps and lying about. Hence, he tends to call her a “lazy hound”; much to her irritation. Regardless of their small disagreements and differences, the two are extremely close and enjoy being in each other’s space. Their connection allows them to vibe in a way that seems, magical. Being around Poppy made him feel as if he was missing something. As if there was some sort of void she seemed to have filled. Whatever she did, it was enchanting to him, because now he cannot see himself operate without her by his side. And as a result, for the sake of a pleasing her, he finds himself trying to better himself in ways. But not too much to the point it deters him away his goal of dominating all of Cashbot HQ. His romance with Poppy may alter the course of such a target.

HTML by Pepperly; top  pic  by TacoLiquor