


5 years, 28 days ago


🎵Leopold "266-E"🎵

Lèopold is quite a whimsical yet mysterious cog. Musically inclined and a strong flow of positive vibes running through his wires, he moves along Cog Nation with a smile wherever he goes. Manufactured on accident; he was giving an extra does of sound cancellations in his audios processors (aka robotic ears). Therefore, making him absolutely immune to loud noises, or better yet, Sound gags. Overseers in Cog Nation thought it would be a waste to deconstruct him based on his new immunity system, so they decided to have him try and battle in the streets. However, Leopold was quite the pacifist and instead of attacking Toons, he would offer partnership deals. Frustrated, Leopold was taken from the streets and made to be a Quality Assurance agent for his branch. 

As a Mover & Shaker, he’s charismatic and rather sly. But the one thing that sets him off from other Movers & Shakers is how he’s so adept with “non-formal” dialogue. He tends have a bro culture in his programming and says a lot of trendy words like “lit”, “hype”, and “deadass”, much to the dismay of his co workers. In short, he’s well known for his positivity, but not popular and is alienated from his peers because of his oddity and absent mindedness in regards of cog culture. So he’s often the butt of everyone’s jokes, snickers, and teasing because of how “faulty” he performs.

Leopold is rather absent minded and runs into things without thinking it clearly, often leading him to get multiple warnings from his boss. He’s also very musically inclined and in secret, with his trusty synthesizer piano, creates a ton of music. Sometimes you’ll catch him discreetly slipping his mix-tapes into Toon’s home so they can hear his work. Thought he never hears their feedback. Maybe it’s for the best. Y’know, so his cover wont be blown, so he wont be blown, to pieces in some decommissioner. Ouch.


Name: Leo, Lee, Defect
Gender: Male (Sexless)
Zodiac: Pisces
Species: Sellbot
Home: Sellbot HQ
QA Specialist, part-time sound mixer

"If it's a crime for a Cog to smile this big, then mon Dieu, I'm the biggest felon there is!!!"


  • A vibration of any kind
  • earthquakes
  • J-City Pop
  • Parisian culture


  • Unethical practices
  • dishonestly
  • pessimism
  • screamer music
  • scams


by MustachioTuna

⚙Cog Facts⚙

  • has a french-Canadian accent
  • makes mix tapes in his free time; secretly likes to hand them out to Toons
  • has a small Goon as a companion he loves to keep around
  • sips wine.... with a straw


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  • Optimistic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Flexible
  • Open-Minded
  • Sociable butterfly
  • Musically cultured


  • Gullible
  • Absent-minded
  • sometimes lacks tact
  • Submissive
  • often laughs at the wrong time
  • Sometimes cocky




Despite him being a Sellbot, Leopold is quite a odd ball, which allows him to get closer to Pepper. But there is often tension between the two because of Pepper's initial hostility towards him. But for now, it doesn't really bother him, if anything, he finds her fiery passion and hard headness alluring and rather attractive. He's finds her even more enjoyable when she warms up to him and they both fall for each other based off similar interests and state of mind. he loves to tease her when she gets flustered or acts mad in a very cute manner.. and it usually ends with him getting an annoyed smack... which he sorta enjoys.