


8 years, 13 days ago


Name: Nixie (pronounced nik-sea) it means little water sprite.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species:  Horsea Pokemon Gijinka created by Silhh

Appearance: She has light blue hair that she wears in pigtails. Her eyes are shades of orange/red and her skin is pale. She has two cream colored dorsal fins kind of like wings.

Personality: She loves being in the water and being at the beach. She spends most of her time at the beach just watching the waves roll in. She is very kind and friendly. She easily befriends others, especially the ones that love water as much as she does.

Clothing: Her pigtails are held up by hair scrunchies that are the same color as her dorsal fins. She wears a layered dress similar to the belly of a Horsea and over that she wears a blue vest. The top of the vest is white and the blue part has white spots like a wave. Her stockings are blue and have a scalloped top edge. She shoes are simple cream flats.