


8 years, 22 days ago


Name: Cantella (meaning song in french)

Age: 124

Hobby: Body guard for space slave trader Ochrance

Likes: The song her blade sings when fighting, Fighting, doing her job.

Dislikes: her outfit being torn/ripped/cut, loosing (which she has yet to do)

Personality: Straight faced, Unfeeling (unless fighting) (when fighting) happy and excitable.

Backstory: She is from an unknown race. When asked about her past her response is an unemotional " My life started when my newest boss accepted me to work for him" She is very serious about her job but loves any and all opportunity to fight. She was given her name Cantella from Ochrance. He often says he picked it for two reasons. The song her blade sings when fighting and because he sees her as his little death song. Do not let her body fool you. She is well over 100 years though she looks like a young girl.