
5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


"You! See that hill? Good. Go see it when it's closer - but watch your damn back. YOU! Go with him you bastard! If he dies, I'll skin you alive!"


Rukiel 'Ruka' Munz


21 years

Date of birth:

January 4th 2490




Wolf Warden






Company Commander


Ruka is a no nonsense soldier-type male. Munz speaks English, Russian and German, though all attempts to teach him French have failed miserably. He is quietly efficient and rarely responds in more than monosyllables unless he is being ordered to do something extraordinarily stupid. He has what has been described as "an excess of enthusiasm" in the field, and has been known to run out of ammunition on occasion as a result. He is fiercely patriotic toward his homeland, and has a long-standing resentment against anyone who would move against it. His focus is entirely on the job at hand. He has never expressed any interests of his own outside of work, but he is remarkably well-informed on a variety of subjects. He has a bad habit of peppering his sentences with profanity.

Life thus far:

Munz was raised in Stuttgart, Germany by a single mother. Many days his mother would come home with guy friends. Most of the men were cruel, and beat Ruka. He became cold, and at the age of ten he had his Transformation. Munz hated himself when he started to have murderous urges, sohe befriended a scientist who used him for her experiments. Once his 'urges' were 'powered-off', he became more reserved and continued his studies. At the age of twenty, he learned that his mother was killed. Ruka left Germany, and went to Russia for two months. He hated it there, but that is his training. He then went to America, and started serving in the U.S Army with the elite group of monsters that call themselves the Ghosts.

Random Facts:

Ruka refuses to tie his hair back because he thinks a ponytail would make him look like a girl (even though he already occasionally gets mistaken for a girl from behind with it down like that)