


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Corby
Age: 5
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human
Height: 3'5"

A child who is impish, clever and unfazed by most things, Corby is the first child adopted by Shadad. She hasn't learned to fear anything yet and likes to explore, causing Shadad to be somewhat over protective of her. Shes easily the most vulnerable of their children, so they worry about their little tiny baby girl. This has not stopped her from loving to get into trouble and be a little rapscallion. She loves her family very much, but sometimes wishes she could have more people to play with (and wonders why no one ever comes back to her house). 

Shadad- her parent! she loves them very very much, and loves to braid their hair
Galt- her usual partner in crime, nearly inseparable
Caide- her big brother who she turns to when she feels nervous, but hes not as fun to play with as galt
Lonnie- Funny but needs further inspection, and to pay a fee of 15 candies before he can come into the house

-She considers herself the man of the house and takes care of all the important business
-has never heard Shadad's voice because it made her cry once as a baby
-has escaped her school on 6 different occasions
-frequently draws family portraits
-likes to nap in Shadads hair
-is afraid of being alone