


8 years, 1 day ago


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Username|| SkyWishes21
Name|| Felicity
Gender|| Female
Confident//Felicity always seems to know what she is doing, and always seems to be ready for anything, even if she is not. She can inspire confidence in others just by being confident herself. Of course, that doesn't mean that she is prideful and thinks she knows everything. She understands that she will make mistakes, and will own up to her mistakes when she makes them.
Focused//Felicity is able to tune out distractions around her to be able to concentrate on whatever she is doing, especially if it is important. Unless it is very important, she is can stay working on something for hours. She is that focused on whatever is important.
Organized//Is it in the right place? No? Well, the Felicity had better make sure it is in the right place, whether it is a physical object, stuff in her head, or her schedule. Staying organized is extremely important to Felicity so that she can have a more productive life and can be as awesome as she wants.
Witty//Felicity is very good at coming up with jokes on the spot that relate to the situation at hand. While one of the most focused individuals you could see, sometimes the silence or serious is just so intense that she just has to crack a joke before returning to the situation at hand.
Emotional// Emotions can sometimes get the best of Felicity, which can overcome her focused and organized nature when that happens. It is moderately tricky for her to calm down when she gets all emotional, and whether happy or sad she often needs to take a break to get her emotions under control.
Old-Fashioned//Felicity likes the older things in society much more than the newer things. Like paper. She prefers writing letters to the best of her ability rather than emailing. Then again, she isn't very good at either. We are not sure if she even knows how to write. She also prefers things like records to streaming, though CDs that we play for her are good too.
Anxious//When some project or whatever is done, and she needs to get it back to the source, Felicity is often a bundle of nerves, trying to organize her thoughts and what she wants done once all this is over. She really wants to succeed, and so commonly wears her confident air while she is freaking out inside.
Impatient// When will you be done, is a very common question she asks, even when you just barely started. Really, she wants things done now, and while her projects and things she make are very good, if you look closely you can see things that were rushed because she really does not want to have to wait for too long for a completed thingamabob.

  • Classical Music
  • Paper
  • Fountain Pens
  • Singing
  • Old Stories read to her
  • Brick Fireplaces
  • Music Boxes
  • Older Paintings
  • The Renaissance


  • New Pop Music
  • TV
  • Video Chat
  • Having Her Picture Taken
  • Waiting
  • And Waiting


  • Opera
  • Flower Arranging
  • Puzzles
  • Pianos
  • Boats
  • Old China Plates
  • Jewelry
  • Chess
  • Seashells
  • Pirate Stories
  • Feather Pens
  • Rabbits

Ambition|| Felicity really does not like the way that things are going in the home that she lives in. She thinks that it is not organized enough for her to truly thrive, and so is constantly badgering the other inhabitants, human or otherwise, with little notes all around to make it all more organized. It really bugs her when they don't do anything, though it might be that she cannot write very well yet.

She also really really wants her writing to improve, though she is unsure if she could actually write something that the humans cannot understand. Felicity wishes to communicate better, and writing sounds great - except that she has very little concept of words. Pimmie speak is very drastically different from human speak after all, though she is, in fact, moderately intelligent. If only she could understand words, and commune with the humans so that the home in which she lives could be better.