
8 years, 16 days ago


Adoption Link

Hazard Cat

SkyWishes21 here!
His Name
Leif Anderson
His Personality
Clever - Amusing - Friendly - Coward - Quiet - Analytical
Clever|| Leif is clever, perhaps too clever for his own good. He finds answers pretty quickly, even if he doesn't know, and more often then not lives in his own head. He knows 57 digits of Pi, can find a way out of any situations he's not comfortable with, and more often then not, his cleverness tends to get him into a spot of trouble. He doesn't always know how to control his tongue, you see.
Amusing|| Leif does some things that to others might seem amusing. For example, for breakfast, he eats a frozen mini pizza with jelly on top. No word what it tastes like. He also likes to eat peanut butter and peppers. Sometimes, Leif does an odd pirouette in a public place, especially around big lurking strangers. It seems he is trying to get away from them, but he ends up tripping and falling, eliciting a few chuckles from passers by.
Friendly||Leif enjoys talking to others, most of the time. He just adores making friends and talking with people, though he prefers to approach and start the conversation. It weirds him out when he is approached by someone else. He's not that bad with conversation games as well.
Coward||Leif is a humongous coward. When faced with a situation he doesn't like, awkward or violent, he tends to use his cleverness to find a way out. He hates talking with girls, and if someone even mentions romance, he scampers out of there as soon as possible. Lief also really doesn't like violence, and wants to stay as far as he can away from it.
Quiet||Leif, though he enjoys talking with others, is quiet. His voice isn't that loud, and he doesn't always respond as fast as you'd expect. He takes his time with his response, though he tries not to take too long. His silence doesn't means he doesn't like you, just that he's thinking, despite his friendliness.
Analytical||Leif is very Analytical, preferring to figure stuff out through pure logic, and find out what makes everything tick. That doesn't mean he always succeeds, but he finds out a lot of good detail on things. He's a great youtube Analyst, especially for My Little Pony.
Something That Amuses Him Greatly
Leif get easily amused by riddles. Not just any riddles, but the ones that most people get stumped by. His analyzing nature figures them out within about ten minutes, finding that most riddles, though vague, are actually fairly easy to figure out. It also amuses him when others struggle to figure out a riddle which is so easy. One of his favorites is
"A king has no sons, no daughters, and no queen. For this reason he must decide who will take the throne after he dies. To do this he decides that he will give all of the children of the kingdom a single seed. Whichever child has the largest, most beautiful plant will earn the throne; this being a metaphor for the kingdom.At the end of the contest all of the children came to the palace with their enormous and beautiful plants in hand. After he looks at all of the children's pots, he finally decides that the little girl with an empty pot will be the next Queen. Why did he choose this little girl over all of the other children with their beautiful plants?"

Answer: "The king gave them all fake seeds and the little girl was the only honest child who didn't switch seeds."
Describe Something Unique About This Hazard Cat
Leif takes time to search for even the smallest amount of plant life, all of it, even a small patch of moss on the side walk. He loves plants, and wants to see if plants can re ally live anywhere. He simply adores plants, and their versatility. He loves them so much that he has a character with powers over plants. As he searches, Leif often finds plants in unexpected places, such as the back courtyard behind the local Ice Cream Store.
A List Of Relationships With Other Characters
Clarence Oliver Skimpole||Male||Hazard Cat||☁Lady Raincloud☁|
Clarence confuses Leif a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Leif has tried analyzing him, trying to figure out what makes this guy tick, and always failing. His imaginative ways and strange distance befuddle Leif, who cannot fathom why someone would not wish to be with other people. However, he looks up to him in an odd sort of way. Leif eventually wants to travel the world like Clarence, and can be seen attempting to engage Clarence in conversation about best ways to travel. It doesn't always work. Leif has gotten a few tips, and the two of them could be considered acquaintances. No word on whether Clarence actually likes Leif though.
Shooting Star||Female||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
Shooting Star is one of those cats who is quite interesting, and Lief can be found chatting with her, learning about neat stuff, like her life, space, her husband No-Face, her son, plants, space, and other neat stuff. Leif enjoys chatting with her, even if she is much older than he is. Sometimes, when she's out and about, Leif spies on her, just curious of what she does in her everyday life. It's a bit odd when she catches him, but he loves it when they get into one of their little chats. One might even say that he admires her, though he doesn't have a crush on her. He rather suspects that if she'd been a Hazard Cat, and his own age, Leif would have a crush on her.
No-Face Star||Male||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
No-Face creeps Leif out. Like, really creeps him out. The way he stares into space, his pure blank eyes, and the creepy puppets decorating his study(Though Leif has only looked through the window). Leif does his best to avoid him, lest he gets watched by that creepy stare. It's kinda hard to avoid someone if your best friend is their son, but he tries. Leif has also been unable to analyze him, not unlike with Clarence, though part of it is more due to being the most creeped out he's ever been. Leif is also wondering why on earth or in space someone as amazing and cool and interesting as Shooting Star would ever fall in love with someone as creepy as No-Face.
Cat's Eye Nebulae Star||Male||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
Cat's Eye Nebulae, who commonly goes by only Cat's Eye, is Leif's very best friend in the whole wide world, and beyond if he could make it there. Despite being the son of No-Face, and inheriting his creepy white stare, Cat's Eye knows a lot about gaming, both video games, board games, and role-play games alike. Cat's Eye is only a year younger then Leif, who is 14, and has more pokemon cards then Leif. The pair met in a gaming store two years ago, and became instant friends. Leif has been able to figure out his best buddy, and has mastered many of the games Cat's Eye has taught him, though Leif sometimes is able to convince him to head out side. Cat's Eye is understanding of Leif's fear of his creepy white eyes, and will put on pale green contacts sometimes, to make his friend feel better. Leif loves his best bud, and would protect him forever.
Andromeda Riverston||Female||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
Andromeda, despite being Leif's adoptive mother since age nine, actually rather annoys Leif. She's snarky and rude to those she isn't very close to, and in general is hard to get along with. She can be very passionate, and she can be caring to those she loves, albeit in a rather snarky fashion when she thinks those she loves aren't paying attention. Despite how much he loves his adoptive mother, he doesn't always appreciate her methods, such as telling her husband to not do a reckless thing by yelling at him rather then calmly speaking to him. He also doesn't appreciate how she reserves her care and love for only a few things, but is glad that she adopted him as one of her own. Leif loves his adoptive mom.
Alvin Riverston||Male||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
Leif and his adoptive dad have differing opinions on things, and enjoy having friendly debates about them. Alvin does many reckless things that Leif doesn't always approve of, but Alvin has introduced Leif to many fun activities, such as roller coasters, and roller blading, and swinging on swings(Leif had been scared of them before). He has to thank Alvin for that. The pair are able to put up friendly conversation, though in day to day life, Leif prefers to go out and make new friends and chat with them rather then his dad. It feels more comfortable for him to talk with kids his age then adults, even if he doesn't know that many. However, he does make time each day to talk with his adoptive dad. It's good for them to talk to each other, even if Alvin is often sporting some manifestation of his reckless decisions.
Marble Riverston||Female||Elven Draconian Cat||Owned by SkyWishes21(Me)||
Leif is very protective of Marble, his adoptive little sister. She's four years younger than him, and is very shy and quiet. It's hard for her to stand up for her self, so Leif will do that for her. She's her go to friend problem solver, seeing as he's so friendly, and knows how others work, and in turn, he will play with her and help her with homework. He sometimes will show her his third eye power, but he makes sure she's not going to be hurt by it. She was very curious as to why he had a band aid on his face all the time at first, and has asked many more questions about Hazard Cats, which he always answers. Marble loves talking with him, and going to Cat's Eye's house with him. It turns out that Marble and Cat's Eye have been friends for a long time, though not as close as Cat's Eye and Leif. Sometimes, Leif and Marble go outside and have grand imaginary adventures, fighting dragons, and rescuing princesses. It's fun for Leif to be the knight in shining armor, and Mable loves being the princess in the tower, though sometimes they reverse the roles. The pair love each other very much.