Harley 'Echo' Miles



8 years, 3 hours ago


Full Name: Harley Miles
Nickname(s): Echo
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Heteromantic Bisexual
  • August: Adoptive brother
    She holds a certain rivalry with

    him, but is highly protective of
    her brother.
  • Vallory: Adoptive Mother
    She is her mother's little protégé,
    much to August's jealousy. She
    often gets Vallory to side with her.
  • Felix: It's complicated
    Once a young couple in love,

    things changed once Felix
    ended up in the wrong team.
    She has for mission to hunt him
    down, but doesn't try really hard.
Species: Jackal
Height: 5'6"
Age: 26 years old
Occupation: Computer engineer, criminal cyberhacker
Skills / Abilities: Hacking in almost any system
Personality: Prideful, snarky

Found as an orphan by August, he begged Vallory
not to kill her and take her along. She

reluctantly agreed, to the condition that
he will be the one to raise her.

As she grew up, she developped a talent
in hacking, living mostly in her room
if she wasn't out with her mother and
her mercenaries. Eventually, she also
became skilled with weapons, even
though her real talent was behind a
computer. Using that talent, she spent
time hacking the ECHOnet, causing
people to give her the nickname of
'Echo', yet still anonymous in her
online trickeries.

Theme(s): x