Ander Art Star




Name Ander Art Star (No° 8035)
Called DobleProyect Number 8035 or An
Age 10
Gender Female
Race Twin Program
Role Pasive
Alignment Cheer n inocent program

Her Birthday is the 30 of April. Un pequeño programa que es una niña muy ordenada y diciplinada, suele soltar al aire lo que opina o piensa, al igual que habla muy poco por su pequeño aprendizaje que lleva encendida


  • Rainy Days
  • Bees
  • Stars


  • Be alone
  • Vegetables
  • Stay in Home


- Ella es un "programa gemelo" ocea que ella es la mitad de un programa completo, la otra mitad es su hermano gemelo, pero ella no sabe nada de el

- Su hermano gemelo la odia pero ella no sabe

- Se refiere a Ángel blanco como mama, a Ángel sombra como papa y a Ángel Fuego como hermano.

- Aunque parezca que no tiene emociones, no hable y parezca un robot, con el tiempo ella empieza a generar el programa de emociones, idioma 1, entre otras cosas las cuales la vuelve más humana a pesar de no serlo

- Tiene una almohada que le dice que es un peluche con forma de estrella color amarillo

- Ander le gusta dormir (cargarse) con angel sombra

- Angel sombra siempre le hace peinados de distintos tipos a Ander, y a ella le encantan!

- Su alimento favorito es el cereal de estrellas!

- Cuando "nacio" ella no poseia un cuerpo, no era mas que un holograma, despues lograron crearle un cuerpo.


Her story is that she is a twin program, but her creator was killed when she was about to run out for public, so they just kidnaped her twin, but they forgett about her and her disc go out from a window, and Angel Blanco was passing by when he find her. When angel blanco arrive at his home, he put the disc without know about the content and there he meet Ander. Since then Ander consider Angel blanco as her mom, Angel sombra as her dad and angel fuego as his dump big brother.



Ángel Blanco [ Mom? ]

He is the owner of Ander, But Ander see him like a mom (even doe he is a man). Ángel Sombra dont let Ander to call Blanco like that and Ander is always being scolded because of that.


Ángel Sombra [ Father? ]

He is the one that always take care of Ander, giving her food, combing her hair, dressing her, etc. And Ander sees Sombra as a Father and she knows Father loves Mama.


Ángel Fuego [ Brother? ]

Ander think of him as his brother, a little idiot but still he is the only one that plays with her and get in troubles with her.

HTML by Eggy
