Bean Watanabe



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Bean Watanabe

Age: 19-20

Height: 5'9

Sexuality: Gay

Occupation: Manager/Partial Cafe Owner

Bean is the older brother of Bani Watanabe, he as well has the bunny quirk just like everyone in their family. He had no interest in hero work and so he pursued his dream of working at, and eventually owning, a cafe. He loves making treats and drinks for his customers and is always wearing a smile. He’s a soft and gentle boy and is not afraid to break clothing gender roles so he’s often seen wearing dresses and skirts. Despite his soft appearance, if a customer is causing a ruckus or someone is picking on his loved ones, he can change his persona and be very intimidating. He also gets many female admirers but, unfortunately for them, he’s got his eye on someone~

His eye color is red and he has white strips/splotches in his hair!