


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Galt
Age: ???
Pronouns: any
Species: ???
Height: 3'9"

A being that Corby found inside of an abandoned farmhouse, Galt has quickly became her best friend and the two are always found together. Galt is silent but very expressive, and writes to communicate, and is learning to sign. They love all things cute and that includes Corby, their favorite thing to do is play dress up and try on various frilly outfits and bows. Their room is filled with frills and stuffed animals, they also enjoy weirder creatures and like to explore. They have an understanding with Shadad, and Galt helps keep an eye on Corby in exchange for living with them. Galt has no issues with this. They are more or less along for the ride and having a GREAT time. 

Corby- they find her funny and cute, something interesting to cherish and keep safe
Shadad- understands exactly what they are, but wont say anything, they like living with them too much to spoil it, likes to paint Shadads nails
Caide- somewhat pities him, but very fond of him nonetheless
Lonnie- harmless, disregards him unless they feel like bothering him  

-its unclear if they have a head or not
-they cannot speak, but if greatly upset, you can hear labored breathing and small sobs, and see tear tracks
-cherishes clothes greatly, and is a little possessive of them
-iron rusts when they touch it
-they eat, but never completely undo the rope keeping their bag closed
-a tad bit lazy, and likes being spoiled
-effectively immortal, but they were never living to begin with
-loves cats