Basic Info






3rd day of the wet season (late spring/early summer on Julian calendar)


Agender, hermaphroditic. Any pronouns, usually defaults to he/him around species with genders




6'9" (206 cm)


Space pirate, pilot


Sitaada was born on the rejaht home planet of Raskalang, along with two siblings, Nadrani and Larin. They hatched within a few hours of each other, but found themselves alone. They never met their parents nor learned much about them, but did find the scant remains of their bodies in the jungle. They appeared to have been eaten by something much larger than them.

As a result, they quickly became very self-sufficient. Childhood was rough for them, whether they lived in the cities or the jungle - and they did try both. Much of their food was either stolen or hunted or foraged themselves. They were often attacked by predators, other children, and even older revaht. Sitaada lost his tail and Nadrani lost one of their raptorial arms. Larin was killed when the three of them raided a hunter's camp. The hunter set a pack of naska on them. Larin was the weakest, and therefore the slowest. Sitaada and Nadrani heard a gunshot behind them as they fled. They didn't dare go back to look for Larin's body.

Things became easier for them once they reached adolescence, as they were old enough to work. They took odd jobs around Asgana until Nadrani became a nurse's assistant and Sitaada began doing gruntwork in the military shipyard. Neither paid well, but they were the first jobs either of them were genuinely interested in. They continued doing side jobs to make ends meet, and Sitaada especially did not shy away from illegal activity. 

Eventually they became an official nurse and pilot respectively. Nadrani had little trouble finding work, with much of the poorer population needing medical attention frequently. Sitaada had more trouble, as most of the ships in Asgana were already piloted. One night at a bar, he overheard someone, a foreigner, lamenting the loss of their pilot, and offered his services. The man, liking Sitaada's boldness, accepted. He returned home to pack the few possessions he had and say goodbye to Nadrani. He promised to send money home when he could. 

He hadn't been working with that crew for two weeks when they were attacked by pirates. Much of the crew were slaughtered, but a few impressed the pirates enough that they were given the option to join instead of die, Sitaada included. 

He convinced one of his crewmates to join with him, and the rest refused and were executed. Being the only ones who knew each other, he and Djaiya stuck closer together even after comfortable with their new crew. They formed a strong bond and became inseparable.

They bounced around various crews since that first, as is expected for pirate crews, until joining the crew of the MAUM. The crew received a lead on a merchant clipper from some planet they never bothered to learn, and launched their assault. The informant, who they discovered later was a spy from a rival crew, had failed to inform them that the clipper's owner had hired experienced and heavily armed mercenaries to guard the cargo. They managed to dispatch some of them, but the head merc apprehended Djaiya and shot her point blank. The rest of the crew were forced to retreat. 

Sitaada's attitude changed after that. He was always snarky and abrasive, but Djaiya's death pushed him toward antisocial. For a long time he rarely left his quarters except to fly, and would often snap at anyone who interrupted him while he did so. Time has dulled the pain and he has warmed up to his crewmates, but he has never been the same.

Despite his snarly attitude, Sitaada has been with the MAUM crew for years, far longer than any of those before it. Other members of the crew claim it's a love affair with the ship that keeps him there. He has never claimed otherwise.

Though he generally tries to keep contact with Nadrani to a minimum, he does send money and loot home and occasionally sends them emails or video calls. They know what he does and have no objections, but he prefers to keep them from getting involved for their own safety.

Sitaada is now a seasoned pilot with unparalleled skills. He is more comfortable with smaller vessels, but is capable of flying ships of nearly any size. He is especially known for his aerobatics and impressive evasive maneuvers. Logic usually steers his decisions, though he can be impulsive on occasion. When logic doesn't win over, he tends to follow instinct and intuition rather than emotions. He is confident in most things, sometimes overly so, but not especially skilled in hand-to-hand combat or strategy. Insulting his ship or abilities is guaranteed to get you punched, if you're lucky, and shot if you're not.

Sitaada is crude, uncouth, and unabashed, and has a frankly awe-inspiring vocabulary of swear words and insults. He is daring but not reckless, a survivor to his core, and not afraid to disobey direct orders if it will keep him and the crew alive. Despite his loud and bold nature, he is an introvert. The cockpit is his home, and he can be neurotic about how it's kept and who is in it. It starts to feel crowded if anyone but himself, the navigator, and the captain are in the cockpit at once. It must be kept clean and organized, and he began sleeping there so often that he told the captain to give his quarters to one of the newer members.

He doesn't have any long-term goals, as he prefers to focus on the present.


  • He fears being outnumbered in a fist or gunfight, and being spaced. 
  •  Though he doesn't need to much anymore, he is still pretty good at hunting and trapping, especially with primitive equipment; he occasionally catches food for the cook while the rest of the crew is on shore leave. 
  • He is a night owl and generally a light sleeper, but has a bad habit of staying up so long that he passes out hard. 
  • He enjoys most types of meat and fruit, but despises anything dairy, as his body has not evolved to digest it.
  • He adopted a lynnit named Glowstick. She is never far from his side.
  • His primary arms are right-handed, but his raptorials are ambidextrous.
  • Currently wanted for grand and petty theft, assault, murder, manslaughter, vehicular manslaughter, piracy, assault, accomplice to various crimes, vandalism, forgery, and indecent exposure.
  • His secret hobby is teaching himself other languages without the aid of a translator.
  • He bathes for pleasure rather than necessity, being a reptile.
  • The cockpit is kept at a constant 85˚F (29˚C). His hammock is up high near machinery that runs warmer. If he needs to cool off, he puts the ship on autopilot and goes to another room.
  • He has a mild but noticeable accent even with a translator. Hard syllables tend to click, and some sounds have more of a hiss to them. He has a habit of clacking his teeth and sometimes forgets to use pronouns, as rejaht generally don't.
  • He occasionally wears a gold chain around his neck and has been known to keep and wear ID tags from fallen enemies. He's very protective of his bandana.
  • He will not tell anyone how he lost his tail. If asked, he gives a different answer every time.