
Gender: Fluid; any pronouns or secondary sex characteristics allowed

Breed: Bully breed mix ("pit bull")

Height: 4'11" (150 cm)

Orientation: Bisexual, prefers men

Likes: Reptiles (especially snakes), tarantulas, any misunderstood "scary" animals, art, plants, superheroes, monsters, robots, skulls and taxidermy, Italian and Chinese food, dark chocolate

Personality: Open, sensitive, friendly, passionate, stubborn, bossy, opinionated. Self-proclaimed bitch, has an attitude and proud of it

Favorite colors: Black, metallic gold, pastel pink, white, cool grays

Clothing style:

  • Feminine: Tight jeans, skirts with leggings, heeled boots, lots of accessories and makeup; lowkey goth/rocker/punk aesthetic. Might be down to rock a cowboy hat and boots.
  • Masculine: Casual, comfortable; graphic tees, jeans, hoodies, sneakers; lots of nerd merch
  • Beanies and cadet hats for both
  • Tanks > short sleeves > long sleeves, regardless of gender presentation


  • Normal ball python
  • Butter ball python
  • Anery Colombian boa
  • Baby Russian rat snake
  • Christmas Mountain gopher snake
  •  Mexican red rump tarantula

Do: Interactions with others' OCs, pets, anything involving snakes, other reptiles, or tarantulas, middle fingers and teeth and snarls, outfits and fashion, costumes, cute stuff

Do not: Nudity (nipples on masc chest are fine), suggestive poses allowed for fem form only, snake/spider/bug death or "ew/scary/kill it with fire" type jokes