Solace Akada



5 years, 1 month ago


====•• Basic Information ••====

Name: Solace Akada
Nickname(s): Sol
Gender: Female
Species: Qoull
Alignment: Neutral
Current Residence: underground
===•• Physical Information ••===

Height: 4ft 8in
Weight: 107 lbs
Current Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 4th 

Body Structure: tall and linear.

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Love Interest(s): Yopaz
Family: Thrift Akada ( brother)

Likes: Watermelon and lime mocktail, honey and vanilla yogurt, The jukebox at el Cuao, singing, Yopaz,s eyes, the ocean, humming

Dislikes: Beef Jerky, Flirtatious men, cold showers, snow, bar fights,
Personality:  Solace is the calm and collected type, who handles situations with logic and reasoning. She doesn't care what people think about her and is pretty carefree where she goes, She attends the el Cuao some of the time to listen to jukebox there. She often keeps to herself and doesn't mingle with many people. she is flirted with most of the men in the underground due to her looks, which she finds annoying and threatens them if they take it too far. She keeps her head up when situations become tense and cannot stand pretentious people.

Relationship with :  

Yopaz-  Solace met Yopaz at El cuao since Expels gang was sticking around most of the time. He often pulled the mistake of playing the player boy to which she dislikes, but after a while she responded back to his charm, starting a conversation. She eventually started to like him more once she got to know his hidden side. She often finds herself at the Pitt of Yopazs mistakes but tries to help him when she can, she admires his eyes and attempts at times for him to show them publically. 

Thrift-  She loves her brother, even since they were separated, she finds him a great listen and often proceeds to tell him her emotions and problems. She doesn't feel judged around him and tries to help him whenever she can. She becomes more concerned and motherly about him ever since he started to suffer under two personalities but believes Espera does the best job to keep him in line. 

Deniri- Solace met Deniri at El Cuao and ever since have had some really good discussions with her, she often finds herself giving advice to Deniri when it comes to her life and studies, as she heavily encourages her to build an education for herself. 

Espera: being her brother's girlfriend, she eventually trusts Espera. unsure of her position with him at first, she eventually becomes surprised to see Esperas impact on Thrift to keep his emotional outbursts in check. She acknowledges the trauma Espera has gone through when she was younger and knows both of them are able to go through their issues together.

                 ===• • Powers • •===

- Solace has no abilties but she knows self defense ( hand to hand combat)