[♥] Jenny's Comments

You uploaded your myo's and they're so cute amggg TT //// TT <3 Good job with the names!

Aaah yss, thank youuu ;A; their names are actually the names of me and my fiance ///A\\\

Amggggg that's adorable > ///////// < <3333 s;lkajfdslfd - looking forward to seeing what you do with these two they match each other so well hehe // w // <3

sljdhfgs thankiiiees ;w; i really tried to make them match each other ♥ and i love their pet kitty so much hehe

And they totally do match you did a really nice job! ;;; w ;;; <333 Amgggg yeah the kitty's so cute! // w // ! Does he/she have a name too?

ajwfgkgaf kitty doesnt have a name yet x'D eheh

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