


5 years, 1 month ago



Name dylan
Age 7 years
Height 20 inches
Species canine
Breed cattle dog
Gender male

Designer Stark
Worth $20


Psychopath | Observant| Genius

Dylan is married to his husband, Andrew Wilson. He is a published author. As a child, he was a subject in a psychological study. His partner, John, was damaged by the psychologist to the point that Dylan's successes were a stressor for John's murder spree, and his motivation for choosing his victims. Dylan was less visibly affected, but not unaffected by this study. ​ Dylan has a phonographic memory.

Design Notes

  • Maecenas ullamcorper erat et sollicitudin facilisis.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


  • Ref from Jack!
  • A lineless headie from Colonel
  • Various recolors/LAs
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


Dylan is a former CIA operative who is lured back to his old life when the NYPD needs his help to stop a serial killer and is a gifted author and university professor living a quiet life teaching psychopathic behavior to packed classes of adoring students.

His father is also in the CIA and has read his book, Freaks. Dylan was one of the best CIA officers and Dylan's father use to want to be as good as he was. Dylan's mother died of cancer in a hospital. This was a causing factor of his hatred towards hospitals. ​ Dylan quit the CIA to lead a happy relationship with his husband. Dylan has a love of Beethoven, has a peanut allergy, and is afraid of heights.


  • Teaching
  • Writing
  • Working
  • Beethoven
  • His husband


  • His father
  • Peanuts (allergy)
  • Heights
  • Loses a trail
Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.