Poochy's Comments

OK IM SORRY TO LEAVE ANOTHER COMMENT OMG but I have had my eye on this guy for ages!!! I was too nervous to offer back when he was uft 😭 so if you see anyone you’d consider for him please lmk, or I could offer art/a custom for him!! And no pressure ofc, sorry I got excited lol

Haiiii! I’m gonna message in a bit cause my toyhouse is messing up. Idk what the heck is going on but it’s driving me crazy! lol. Gonna have to message everyone.  😵 I’m so sorry for the delay! 

HI OMG its okay!! I saw your bulletin, I’m so sorry wtf 😭 I have no idea why that’s happening but I hope it clears up for you soon!! Absolutely no rush ofc!!

I’m so sorry to send another message, I just thought I’d follow up if your toyhouse is working any better!! I’m so sorry if not, and absolutely no rush either way ofc!! 🥺💕

Haiiii  No but lemme message ya! 🥰 It’s actin up but works on messaging way better. 

OMG im so sorry it's still giving you trouble, thats so strange 😭 i also have discord if you have that, no worries if not!! no pressure/rush regardless<33

I may not have anyone that interests you but this little guy is so cute I had to try!! 🥰


You have a lot of cute characters there but I'm not sure I saw any I'd use ;o; !! Thank you so much for offering though!

Thank you for taking the time to look. 🥰

just for ask, how much are you looking for him in terms of $$?

If I remember right I traded for them, so I have no idea sorry! I’m just entertaining offers atm

in some cases, taking the value of the character that you traded for him could help, sadly I don't have enough as I believe they worth, unless you are willing to accept $20 for him :I

I traded a custom character for him which would be worth above $20 sorry ;o;

also I guess I could add some character from my trade/sale account thanriu or someone on here https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/860600.characters-cleanout-first-round-