Anyone here interest you? (Around same value of course)

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Anyone in my Th interest you in a trade? I am also willing to add art to my offer if needed

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How much were you thinking of selling this guy for? ovo

OH what a lovely dude! I remember this one!! Anyone here strike your fancy?

Sorry I haven’t logged on for eons!!! None of those designs really caught my eye though ;; I’m sorry 

Aw dang, okay. Thanks for letting me know!

ah, is there anyone in here that you would trade for?

you can look around in the other folders too if youd like qwq

Oh my god I’m so sorry for taking an eon to reply!!!! Unfortunately none of these guys catch my eye :c thank you for offering though! And please feel free to offer again in the future!

Sorry, none of them really caught my eye ;;

No problem!