Logbellow (old)



26 Moons
19.5 (+4)
21 (+5)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
10 (+0)
11 (+0)

Logbellow is a cat who is obsessed with winning and valor. He loves to fight and come out on top. He grows bored when no challenges are presented, becoming aloof and lazy between bouts. Logbellow is very brickheaded. He doesn't think through decisions and would rather talk with his claws than with his tongue.

Logbellow's entire purpose relies on his strength and power. He knows he will never get validation from others and instead gives it to himself. He fights, he wins, he celebrates. If he isn't winning then he's a failure.


  • Strength
  • A challenge
  • Sunning

  • Tideclan
  • Cowards
  • Cats who go back on their word.
Personable . Confidant . Loyal

Tonight we shall feast to our victory!
Logbellow is a social cat who thrives around others. After a good fight he loves to hang around his brothers and sisters in arms and share a meal. What joy is there in victory if there is none to share it with?

None are stronger than I!
Logbellow is nothing if not confidant in his abilities. He will never show weakness in the face of friend nor foe. He knows his power is without match.

We will fight until the end!
Logbellow is extremely loyal to his leader, family, and clan. He will fight until his dying breath to keep them safe. When his loyalty is betrayed, Logbellow is a force to be reckoned with. Betraying his trust is a death sentence.

Emotional . Stubborn . Thick


Logbellow is driven by emotions and they can and will get the better of him. If his anger swells to boiling point there is very little that can simmer him down. On the other end, if he is in a great mood it will surely leak into his every action and the air around him.

Don't. My mind won't be swayed so easily.
Logbellow has his beliefs set in stone and will refuse to budge on them. You cannot get him off a path he has set himself down on no matter what. All you can do is stand beside him or be an obstacle in his path.

You want to do what now?
When it comes to plans, Logbellow is not the one to ask. He is terrible at making them and even worse at following them. He struggles to see the reason why he shouldn't do whatever he wants whenever he wants. It's worked well for him so far, hasn't it?

Vengeful . Aloof . Bloodthirsty

You WILL regret this.
Logbellow is driven by his emotions and he is easily soured by hate. He will take his grivences to the grave, never forgetting slights against him. It's because of his vengeful personality that he harbors a heavy hate towards Tideclan and all of their warriors.

Now why should I care?
If things don't interest Logbellow, he won't do them. He hates looking for herbs or anything that doesn't involve a solid fight. It's boring. If he can't be out there smashing skulls, he prefers to sun himself on stones between battles.

HaHAH YES! Now THATS what I call a FIGHT!
Logbellow lives to fight. He will never turn down a chance to test and prove his strength, especially against a powerful opponent. Whether it be a goose, rogue, or cowardly Tideclan warrior, Logbellow is always up for a fight. Though he does hesitate to fight on friendly terms with his own clanmates though, believing them not strong enough to face his full strength.


Logkit was a kit who was close to his two parents when he was young.His father, Roottongue was an emotional cat with a stubborn and abrasive personality. His life was lead by his heart. His mother, Barkbite, was also stubborn, but extremely curious. She had kits with Roottongue because she was fascinated with motherhood, but interested in Roottongue, but she wasn’t devoted to him, like Roottongue was to her.

When cats began to be called to the sea, and their curiosity grew, Barkbite felt the pull as well. She wished to go forward and learn more, but Roottongue was against this. He was a traditionalist, and believed it blasphemy to worship the sea stars. The two constantly fought and argued, and it led to Logkit being stuck in the middle of it. He often found solace with his mothers study soothing embrace. His parents only grew further apart as he neared apprenticehood.


When Logkit became Logpaw, he put his everything into training. He wanted his parents to look at him and put aside their differences to just see how strong their boy was becoming. He cared so much for his parents, even if they paid him little attention. He just wanted them to be happy. But Roottongue was too blinded by anger to notice, and Barkbite too fascinated by something more interesting than motherhood. A moon into his apprenticeship, his efforts finally proved to be in vain.

Half of Skyclan split off and became Tideclan, leaving to follow the call of the sea. Barkbite was among those who left. She offered to take Logpaw with her, encouraged him to follow, to learn and experience new things, but Logpaw refused. He had worked so hard to get his parents to notice him, to care for him as he did for they. Logpaw felt entirely betrayed by his mother, by this whole lot of Tideclan cats. Logpaw and Roottongue, ruled by their emotions, grew to resent Tideclan with their whole heart.

After his mother left, Logpaw put everything he could into his apprenticeship, while Roottongue fell ill with despair. The two didn’t have an overly close relationship for quite some time, strained by hot-headed emotions. As Logpaw’s apprenticeship went on, he began to mellow out a bit. He met Webpaw, a calmer apprentice, a few moons younger than himself. Logpaw cared greatly for Webpaw, his first friend who could see through Log’s veil of anger. With the help of Webpaw and time, Logpaw was able to move on from his mother’s betrayal. He would never forgive her, and always would hold a resentment towards her and tideclan, but it didn’t constantly weigh on his mind.


When Logpaw’s apprenticeship drew to a close, he was a much larger, stronger cat than he had once been. He was given the name “Logbellow” for his powerful voice and exuberant presence. Logbellow took great pride in his name. Though some of it came from his deep grumbling growls of anger from his younger days, he knew his booming laugh brought out by time with his closest friends factored into it as well.

After Logbellow became a warrior, he began to reconnect with Roottongue. During Logbellow’s apprenticeship, Roottongue had grown close with a beautiful molly named Sootheart. She was a loving and caring cat, who had been there during Roottongue’s times of deep sorrow. Both Sootheart and Roottongue soon fell in love with one another and after some time, had a litter together. Logbellow was overjoyed that his father could find happiness once more, but even more that he would have siblings!


  • Logbellow loved his mom, but she didn't love him as a mother should and abandoned him for Tideclan.
  • He spent his whole childhood trying to impress his parents who never noticed him over their own fighting.
  • He resents tideclan for betraying skyclan and abandoning them all. He blames Barkbite most of all.
  • Logbellow was an angry and violent apprentice who bit and spat at anyone who came near. His friend Webcatcher mellowed him out with time, but couldn't get rid of his need for fights.
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