
5 years, 1 month ago


Citron's specialty is cooking. A skill that he developed through the caring and careful teachings his mother gave him. He was not always the best at cooking though and had an unfortunate accident when experimenting with new cooking tools. The short of it is that it left him with a hole in each hand. A trait that followed him even when the dark clouds turned him and his mother into skeletons. Citron heavily dislikes his new way of life. Cooking ingredients and cooking tools have become a huge challenge to use because they tend to get caught in or on his bones. He powers on and continues with his passion despite how much harder it has become. Citron is no adventurer and hopes that someone can find a way to reverse this...curse? illness? Whatever it is that those blasted clouds did his mother and him! Citron wants to help those who have lost their homes, jobs, and hope from the chaos of their situation. His mother assists him as often as she can. He doesn't know how he would have managed to get by without her. Citron charges those that clearly still have their jobs, that cause problems in his restaurant, that cause problems for his mother, and those that were not hit by the curse. Citron dreams of having a family but sadly that has been put on his mental back burner.