


5 years, 1 month ago


Pronouns: he/him (uses a lot of fem terminology)

Birthday: December 14th

Height: 6’2

Personality: A very intelligent, ‘newborn’ vampire cat who shows very little emotion. He studies alchemy and potion-making in order to reverse his vampirism, but also likes to tinker around in general. Neoma typically comes off as cold sometimes due to how blunt he can be. Will not hesitate to hurt you if you touch him, especially his tail or ears without permission. Mostly keeps to himself and his potions. He’s also very hard to read due to him hiding his emotions very well. Whenever Neoma catches a whiff of blood, however, he becomes slightly unhinged. He shows a much wider range of emotions and suddenly becomes very touchy-feely. Can even get to the point where he acts desperate for a taste of blood. Will act as if nothing happened after he’s done feeding though. He is working on it!

Likes: Reading, fish, experimenting, solving puzzles, sleep (though he doesn’t exactly need it often), fluffy and/or soft things, red fruits (particularly pomegranates!)

Dislikes: Being interrupted, thinking about his immortality, having to rely on others, loud noises