


5 years, 1 month ago


Gender: F
Age: Physical, ?; Mental 26
Ht: 5'4"
Wt: 90lbs
DOB: Mar 14
Orientation: Lesbian/Ace
Eyes: Pink
Hair: N/A
Speciality: Throwing knives, stealth

An assassin-for-hire who takes her job very seriously. However, she's not particularly bloodthirsty or violent, she approaches the world very  neutrally and has a calm, if rather dry, outlook on life. Leans a bit towards cynicism, but will not hesitate to call out excessive negativity either. She speaks bluntly, but any opinions she offers are always  well-thought through, and she only speaks when she feels it's necessary. Despite her general apathetic attitude, she will go far out of her way to make sure innocents aren't harmed by her work and will even abandon jobs if the risk of living collateral damage is too high. She has a  secret soft spot for those in need of help, but tries to keep her  interference to a minimum. On the flipside, though, she's very cautious of those who are physically capable of overpowering her, and will not  truly relax or let her guard down around them, even if they truly intend  her no harm.

Construction commissioned by the modified warbot Victory, Glas keeps very quiet about her early years, and though she insists there's simply nothing to tell, one wonders what events could lead her down the life path she would eventually take. Glas got her start as a small-time assassin, notable in that she remained unaffiliated with any sort of organization for a number of years, which combined with her skill made her something of an underground stand-out. However, this would come to an abrupt end when she badly misjudged a job and was lured into a trap set by one of her competitors. It was only by the interference of Cosmos, yet another rising star in the business, that she survived.

Cosmos took Glas in, eventually convincing her that going the "lone wolf" path would only result in her own downfall. Cosmos would eventually give Glas the nickname "Rose Eyes", a name she would come to prefer. From that point onwards, Rose worked as a member of a trio of assassins- with a robot named Jet acting as her and Cosmos' leader. At some point, Rose and Cosmos began dating, and currently share a relatively stable life in the underbelly of Viarane City.