


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Obtained for

450 points


Intro: you notice a warm light in the middle of the plain, frozen wasteland. When you came close, you notice this figure sitting next to a fire. She turns around and smiles at you.

Main quest: �Hello, traveler. I'm Shelley. Would you like to sit down with me and tell me your stories? Here, I have some warm drinks to soothe down the cold. It would be nice to have a more efficient system, but... it's what I have, haha� (Task: draw your character talking with her while drinking some warm drink. Rewards: XP and second quest.)

Second quest: �Thanks for spending time with me. Mmm, I think the fire is getting a little lower. Would you mind going to the main camp and buying some combustible for the fire? I'll pay back to you what it cost.� (Task: go to the camp and return with some combustible for the fire. When giving it to her, you can choose between telling her the exact price, overcharging it, or trying to give them for free. Rewards: refund of the money and a cub of warm drink as thanks (exact price); �uh, are you sure? Damn, they must have raised the price again.� and all money that was asked (overcharge), �awww, really? You are so sweet... Here, have this present as thanks.� she will give you a pendant that will prevent your character gets frozen (giving them for free).

Travel quest: (Return here with a heater and give it to her). �Oh, wow, for me, really? Awww, thanks a lot. I don't have enough money to pay you for that, but, hey, here, have this as thanks!� (Rewards: a pendant that will make the character immune to cold temperatures as long as it wore. They also won't get any damage due to cold, but damage due to heat or fire can be increased).