


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Amast Jinan






asexual homoromantic (??)


Gullible, selfish, spoiled, stubborn


gems, anything shiny and expensive




Younger step-brother of Sadal Melik

Romantic status

single, doesn't have anyone of interest yet



  • This prince is a bit of a snob, and you can't afford him.
  • His name means 'diamond' in in Armenian, ultimately from Persian.
  • Likes diamonds, if it wasn't obvious, and can be easily won over with them (or anything shiny) 
  • Gullible; once swallowed a diamond because someone told him he'd be able to grow them from his horns. 
    * His eyes are similarly starry inside 


 He likes to sneak out of the castle a lot because why not. Everyone knows who he is because he doesn't bother to disguise himself, he just wanders out in his fancy clothing because he's not gonna downgrade. He also does a lot of underground fighting because he has a lot of pent up anger and it makes him just want to fight someone. That's the main thing he sneaks out for, if his father found out it would be the end of him having any freedom. 

His father doesn't trust him to be the next king with how he's acting. Amast has always been a spoiled child who did what he wanted whenever he wanted. Punishing him just made him more mad and stubborn 

He acts like a huge pain a lot of the time and fights with Sadal a lot. He's not a terrible person, just gets upset really easily and is the type to argue until he wins. He also wants to live a very free life with little responsibility but that isn't happening because he's the prince in line for the throne. He's extremely stubborn and usually gets his way with nearly everyone because they just don't want to deal with him arguing or making a big deal of it anymore. 


Ability: Create and manipulate mirrors, manipulate body composition to gems

Mirror creation: Make mirrors appear out of nowhere, confuses target with reflections of him as if he's inside the mirrors

Gem body: Changes body composition to gems, usually diamond because of its strength. Usually just changes hands/nails into diamond claws to attack but can also turn skin into a diamond shield


His main weakness is having his third eye on his hand. That's just a terrible place to have an eye, very easy for people to injure in any sort of fight or accidentally. 

He's very vain and tends to look down on others. He finds many curious but at the same time he sees himself as better than them. Very prideful and confident in himself, often runs off on little adventures to keep himself entertained even though he's not supposed to leave the castle without permission. He gets into fights with Sadal very often becasue their views are very different. Also just because Amast is pretty stuck up