Vampire Narwal gorl (TBN)



5 years, 27 days ago


She is one of the familiars of a Blood Wizard (to be added). She became his familiar once her blood was sucked and she drank his blood to become a vampire. Strangely enough, this was done to help him survive. Since she had unwillingly become his familiar, he allows her to go off and do her own thing, on the condition that she visits him from time to time and help when needed. The mark on her left cheek and neck is a sign of their relation, to which he gifted her a scarf to hide.

While she can walk on land using magic to have legs, she prefers the icy cold waters. She is the teasing older sister type, the kind would be nosy and loves to ruffle other people feathers/ get under their skin. One of her favorite targets is a fairy penguin she met, who she views as her baby brother.

She is capable of magic, though her main strength is physical attacks in the water, where she moves the fastest and hits the hardest.