


4 years, 11 months ago



I am built from every mistake I have made.

Name Lyle
Species Human (cyborg)
Age 34
Gender Cis man
Orientation Pansexual
Alignment Chatoic neutral
Mood Board Here
Theme Oblivion

Lyle travels space as an intergalactic bounty hunter, only taking on one or two people on as crew members when necessary. He was born and raised to be a soldier, but he was severely wounded during his great escape from the oppressive government that designed him. A merciful rebel took him in and fitted him with artificial limbs. Due to the nature of his job, he has been forced to replace all of his limbs and more with cyborg attachments designed for combat.


  • Protective
  • Determined
  • Methodical
  • Selfish
  • Stoic
  • Cynical

Lyle isn't one to socialize. He has a few people who he has become close with over the years, but he hardly reaches out to them. He is not a friendly person at first, particularly when he doesn't feel like he's in a safe area. Even when he tries to be nice to other people, it doesn't always come across that way. He's not very good at even expressing the things that frustrate or trouble him. On the bright side, he is a very reliable person, and never acts recklessly, or in ways that cause unnecessary harm to others. If his circumstances were better, it's likely that he would be a kinder individual.





Weapon Mastery
He has extensive knowledge about all sorts of different weapons, primarily specializing in gun-like weapons.

Along with his vast knowledge of weapons, he is also a classically trained combat soldier.

Knowledge of Technology
Since he is a cyborg, he has a decent understanding of different technology's hardware, specifically involving weapons, spacecraft, and his own mechanical body.

First Response
In addition to knowing how to take people down, he also knows how to treat them for physical traumas in emergency situations.


Lyle grew up on a lowly planet, and was designated a soldier at birth. Under the authoritarian federation, he had not known any other way of life except for the one that was forced upon him. His childhood was simple, uneventful, and short, before he was shipped off for training. He spent many years perfecting the skills necessary for a soldier, and was deployed when he reached adulthood.

He spent many years afterwards tirelessly working as a lowly soldier. As he explored space on his mission, and he began to be exposed to the outside world, and different people's terrors when encountering him, he began to question what he was doing. Sometimes, he even dreaded it, and would become non-compliant, despite the consequences.

At one point he was jailed for his inaction, and during this time a rebel force attacked the ship he was imprisoned on. During this time he convinced another soldier to set him free, but instead of helping them, he helped the rebels take them down.

After recovering from this battle, he set off to make a life for himself. However it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be, and it turns out that the only thing he really knows how to do is be a soldier.

Overtime he has fallen lower and lower on the wanted list, and has drifted too far from sight to be noticed by most. Theoretically he is a free man, but he hardly feels like he is. The guilt from his past, and his inability to fit into the societies that he has come by has left him feeling more imprisoned by his former self than ever.


  • His closest friend is his ship's AI.
  • He has a soft spot for animals.
  • He dreams of being a mechanic for cyborgs.
  • He's still in contact with his parents.

HTML by lowkeywicked